
Welcome to the Divinity subject guide - your guide to using the library resources, services and facilities for your subject.

Finding books for Biblical Studies

Library of Congress classification for most Biblical Studies topics is BS. However you will find useful material at other classmarks, such as PA for lexicons and PJ for dictionaries.

  • Excellent current and historic collections for Biblical Studies can be accessed at New College Library
  • Some historic and current print collections for Biblical Studies can also be accessed at the Main Library.

Heritage Collections

The Heritage Collections teams preserve, provide access to and interpret the heritage collections looked after by the University.Bible, Ms 9, Genesis to Hester, Centre for Research Collections

The Heritage Collections teams preserve, provide access to and interpret the heritage collections looked after by the University. The Centre for Research Collections (CRC) is the main space for anyone using the University of Edinburgh's heritage collections, including rare books and manuscripts, University of Edinburgh archives, personal and institutional archives, Lothian Health Services Archives, University of Edinburgh PhD theses, art collection, musical instrument collection and more.

The CRC is found on the 6th floor, Main Library.

Find academic literature for Biblical Studies

Journals for Biblical Studies

Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic Biblical Studies Studies journals. These include:

New College Special Collections for Biblical Studies









  NCLFF 765


New College Library holds an exceptional collection of rare and early Bibles, including Geneva, King  James, Cranmer and other versions.  The collections include polyglot Bibles and an extensive collection of early Greek testaments.  New College Library also holds recent facsimile editions of codexes such as the Codex Vaticanus.  The Paterson Bible Collection contains early Bibles in languages from all over the world, and particularly from Northern Europe where Paterson was a missionary. To arrange to consult New College Special Collections and archives, please email: HeritageCollections@ed.ac.uk

Reference books for Biblical Studies

Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic Biblical Studies reference books, or browse the shelves in the New College Library Hall. These include:

Digital text collections