Exams and Revision

How to get the most out of the Library and other University support for revising for and taking exams


a person's feet as they sit on a filing cabinetIn preparing for your exams you're likely to work with a lot of information, in different formats and for different purposes. Managing this information effectively is vital. This includes storing information safely and facilitating retrieval, referencing accurately, and keeping track of reading, images or data. It incorporates both information and data that you create yourself - such as notes or assignment drafts - as well as the information and data you use that is generated by others.

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These pages look at some of the key strategies that you might try out to manage your information. These all represent good practice, but you should select and adopt strategies that work for you, that will be sustainable, and that you feel confident about. It is a good idea to spend some time thinking critically about these, and to reflect on what you might be able to put into place in order to manage your information.

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