Market Databases
- Dealwatch (EMIS)DealWatch combines proprietary M&A and ECM news, research, deal valuations and deal forecasts with sophisticated screening, analytics and public information to deliver comprehensive cover of emerging market companies in play, to project future deal activity and to help users target the most profitable opportunities.
DealWatch currently covers the Central and Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Central and Southeast Asia, India, China and Latin America. - EMIS: Emerging Markets Information Service4,500 sources for industry and country research and analysis - Including forecasts, reports, news, market analysis from top sources such as IBISWorld, Mordor, and GrandViewResearch, and local sources
10 million emerging market based company profiles - Including financials, company news, M&A deals/rumours, analytical tools.
Unlimited access remote and campus wide.
- GartnerGartner is the leading provider of research and analysis on the global IT industry.
- IBISWorldIBISWorld industry reports provide detailed performance data and analysis on the market; supply chain information; forecasts; risk scores; operating strengths and weaknesses; analysis of external drivers; major player market strategies; and industry profit and costs benchmarks.
- Marketline AdvantageMarketLine provides access to company, country and industry intelligence as well as news and case studies.
- Mintel Academic: reports and trendsMintel Reports provides market research reports on a range of UK consumer and industrial products and services. Coverage: Reports on Beauty and Personal Care; Drink; Retail Overview; Technology: Food
Mintel Trends provides reports on shifts in consumer behaviour by industry, demographic, theme and region.
Access Information
Off-campus you will be prompted to login with your University username and password. - Mintel Market SizesMintel Market Sizes contains global data on market size, market share and forecast data for thousands of consumer goods categories worldwide.
- Passport ProPassport provides key business intelligence on countries, consumers, lifestyles, markets and companies.
- StatistaStatista is one of the world’s largest and most extensive statistics and market data platforms.
- WARC - World Advertising Research CenterServices provide intelligence from more than 50 international sources including Admap, Advertising Association, IPA, Account Planning Group, Effie Worldwide, ESOMAR, Euromonitor and Futures Company/Yankelovic. In all areas of marketing communications the service has over 25,000 articles, case studies, research reports and summaries, best practice papers, practical guides, daily news and more.
Highlighted resources
- Marketing WeekProvides current essential news, analysis and insight for marketers.