East Asian Studies
This guide provides a general introduction to library and information resources for all those studying, teaching and researching on topics relating to China, Japan, Korea and other East Asian regions.
Library dictionaries & encyclopedias
- A dictionary of Chinese literature byCall Number: Online accessISBN: 9780191836183Publication Date: 2017
- Encyclopedia of Chinese language and linguistics (5 volume set) by "The Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics offers a systematic and comprehensive overview of the languages of China and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the languages spoken in China, today and in the past, from many different angles, as well as the different linguistic traditions they have been investigated in"--Resource home page.Call Number: Brill Online BooksISBN: 2210-7363Publication Date: Leiden : Brill, 2015-
- The Oxford Chinese dictionary English-Chinese : Chinese English byCall Number: Online accessISBN: 9780191807060 (ebook)Publication Date: Oxford : Oxford University Press ; c2010
- 歷史文字資料庫統合檢索系統 by A very useful tool for working out difficult calligraphic Chinese characters. Data from the following sources: 1. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所・數位文化中心-簡牘字典―史語所藏居延漢簡資料庫(https://wcd-ihp.ascdc.sinica.edu.tw/woodslip/) 2. 奈良文化財研究所-木簡庫(https://mokkanko.nabunken.go.jp/ja/) 3. 東京大學史料編纂所-草字字典數位資料庫(http://wwwap.hi.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ships/shipscontroller) 4. 國文學研究資料館-國文研字型檢索β(https://lab.nijl.ac.jp/jikei/) 5. 國立國語研究所 6. 京都大學人文科學研究所 7. 漢字規範史資料組保存會—HNG單字檢索(https://search.hng-data.org/)Call Number: Open online access
- 漢語大字典 = Han yu da zi dian : 第二版, 九卷本 byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL1420 Han.ISBN: 9787806825006Publication Date: 2010
- 漢語大詞典 = Han yu da ci dian byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor C.Ref(472) Han.ISBN: 30150015946145Publication Date: 1988-199413 vols.
- 漢語大詞典訂補 = Han yu da ci dian ding bu byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL1420 Han.ISBN: 9787532632367Publication Date: 2010
- 近代汉语大词典 = Jin dai Han yu da ci dian byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref.PL1420 Xu.ISBN: 9787101061338Publication Date: 北京市 : 中华书局, ; 2008
- The Cambridge encyclopedia of Japan byCall Number: Main Library (REFERENCE) - 2nd floor Ref. Folio DS805 Cam.ISBN: 0521403529Publication Date: 1993
- Classical Japanese reader and essential dictionary byCall Number: Main Library (STANDARD LOAN) - 2nd floor Folio PL537 Shi.ISBN: 9780231139908Publication Date: 2007
- Collins Shubun English Japanese dictionary : Ko rin zu shu bun Ei-Wa jiten.Call Number: Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd floor Ref. PL679 Col.ISBN: 0004334051Publication Date: 1993
- Kenkyusha's new collegiate English-Japanese dictionary = Shin Ei-Wa chu jiten 新英和中辞典 byCall Number: Main Library EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL679 Ken.ISBN: 9784767410760Publication Date: 1985
- Kenkyusha's new Japanese-English dictionary byCall Number: Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd floor Ref. PL679 Ken.ISBN: 9784767420264Publication Date: 2003
- The learner's Japanese Kanji dictionary byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL678 Spa.ISBN: 9780804835565Publication Date: 2003
- The Oxford-Duden pictorial English-Japanese dictionaryCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL679 Oxf.ISBN: 9780198641490Publication Date: 1983
- The Oxford-Duden pictorial Japanese and English dictionaryCall Number: Veterinary Library (REFERENCE) PL679 Oxf 1997 RefISBN: 0198601190Publication Date: 1997
- 日本古代中世人名辞典 Nihon kodai chūsei jinmei jiten byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. CT1832 Nih.ISBN: 9784642014342Publication Date: 2006
- 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ)Call Number: Online access
- 日本生活史辞典 Nihon seikatsushi jiten byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. DS821 Nih.ISBN: 9784642014762Publication Date: 2016
- 日本語大事典 = An encyclopedia of Japanese language and linguistics byCall Number: Online accessISBN: 9784254962772Publication Date: 2014
- 浮世草子大事典 : 江戶時代の社会・風俗がわかる byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library [STANDARD LOAN] - 3rd Floor Ref. DS821 Uki.ISBN: 9784305708472Publication Date: 2017
- 現古辞典 : 現代語から古語を引くGenko jiten : gendaigo kara kogo o hiku byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library [STANDARD LOAN] - 3rd Floor PL675 Fur.ISBN: 9784309021003Publication Date: 2012
- 部首ときあかし辞典 Bushu tokiakashi jiten byCall Number: Online accessISBN: 9784327896621Publication Date: 2013
- Berlitz Korean concise dictionary : Korean-English, English-Korean.Call Number: New College Library@ DHT (REFERENCE) Ref. PL937.E5 Ber.ISBN: 9789812680211Publication Date: 2007
- Cambridge English-Korean DictionaryCall Number: Freely available online
- Historical Dictionary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea byCall Number: Online accessISBN: 0950-4125Publication Date: 2013
- Uri soktam sajŏn byCall Number: AS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor K.ref(245) UriISBN: 8985263196Publication Date: 1993
- 國漢最新大字源 Kuk-Han chʻoesin taejawŏnCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL936 Kuk.Publication Date: 1989
- 民衆엣센스韓日辭典 Minjung essensŭ Han-Il sajŏn byCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL937.J3 Min.Publication Date: 1989
- 漢韓大辭典 Han-Han taesajŏnCall Number: EAS Collection - Main Library (REFERENCE) - 3rd Floor Ref. PL935 Han.Publication Date: 1963
Free online dictionaries
- bab.la - online dictionaries for 28 languages bab.la is a user generated language portal. "With bab.la you can look for translations, learn languages with the help of language tests and help to build up the dictionary. You can make your own translation suggestions or verify the suggestions of other users."
- Chinese-English Dictionary This Chinese/English dictionary provides a searchable interface for the CEDICT dictionary originally put together by Paul Denisowksi. Searches can be conducted by Chinese (using either the GB, Big5, or Unicode encodings), pinyin, or English. Results will show the Chinese word, the pinyin representation of the word, and the English definition. You can choose to have the Chinese characters appear as GIF pictures. You can also click on the pinyin to hear how it is pronounced.
- Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage 當代漢英詞典 The production of the Web edition of Lin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage is based on the first edition of the work (hereafter called "the original edition") published in 1972 by the Chinese University Press. The dictionary comprises a total of 8,169 head characters, together with 44,407 explanatory entries of grammatical usage and 40,379 entries of Chinese words or phrases.
- Chinese- Japanese- Korean- Vietnamese- English Dictionary 中日韓越辭典 CJKV Dict (中日韓越辭典) is a smart multilingual dictionary for learners of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. It returns results in Chinese characters (漢字, called "Hànzì" in Mandarin Chinese, "Kanji" in Japanese, "Hanja" in Korean and "Hán tự" in Vietnamese) in all four languages, and automatically converts simplified Chinese characters and simplified Kanji (Shinjitai) to traditional Chinese characters.
- Chinese Character Dictionary The character dictionary gives four different ways to search for characters: in English, pinyin, Cantonese, and radical/stroke.
- Chinese Characters Dictionary Web 字典網 Many of the Chinese dictionaries on the web are interlinked at a character-to-character level, allowing visitors to jump across dictionaries to check the same character entry without having to search again for the character. Find a character in any of the incorporated dictionaries and you can follow the blue links, jumping between more than a dozen dictionaries spread across seven countries and four continents.
- Chinese Etymology 字源 Etymological databases of ancient as well as modern Chinese characters.
- DeHanCi - Chinese-German / German-Chinese Online Dictionary The DeHanCi.com is a German-Chinese and Chinese-German word and phrase dictionary (online dictionary) with fuzzy logic for finding sentence examples and dialogues.
- Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants 異體字字典 The dictionary features basic definitions and citations in digital text for each variant, and the right side panel contains linked images of citations taken from the pages of a number of standard reference works for graphic forms, including: 說文解字, 古文字類編,漢語古文字字形表, 漢簡文字類篇, 漢隸字源, 隸辨, 金石文字辨異, 偏類碑別字, 碑別字新編, 六朝別字記新編, 敦煌俗字譜, 干祿字書, 龍龕手鏡, 龍龕手鑑, 玉篇, 廣韻, 集韻, 集韻考正, 類篇, 四聲篇海, 宋元以來俗字譜, 字學三正, 字彙, 正字通, 字彙補, 康熙字典, 彙音寶鑑, 異體字手冊, 大陸簡化字表, 角川漢和辭典, 中日朝漢字字形對照, 中文大辭典, 漢語大字典, 中國書法大字典, 草書大字典, 學生簡體字字典, 簡體字表, 佛教難字字典, 中華字海, 古文四聲韻, 宋體母稿異體字, 書法字彙, 重訂直音篇, and 補充資料.
- Digital Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese 古漢語詞源字典 (網絡版) User registration is required.
- Handian 漢典 Online dictionary that accepts both simplified and traditional search queries. Entries include pronunciation in both pinyin and zhuyin. Perhaps the best feature is the inclusion of both the Shuowen jiezi 說文解字 and Kangxi zidian 康熙字典.
- Kaifang Cidian: Cantonese 開放詞典:粵語 Mandarin to Cantonese and vice versa dictionary with transliteration.
- Kanxi Zidian Online 康熙字典網上版 Images of pages from the 1716 Kangxi Dictionary are presented alongside essentially the same content in digital form. The dictionary also contains a basic search function. Entries and search functions are in traditional Chinese characters only.
- Chinese- Japanese- Korean- Vietnamese- English Dictionary 中日韓越辭典 CJKV Dict (中日韓越辭典) is a smart multilingual dictionary for learners of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. It returns results in Chinese characters (漢字, called "Hànzì" in Mandarin Chinese, "Kanji" in Japanese, "Hanja" in Korean and "Hán tự" in Vietnamese) in all four languages, and automatically converts simplified Chinese characters and simplified Kanji (Shinjitai) to traditional Chinese characters.
- CHISE IDS 漢字検索 This extensive Japanese-language website, designed for graph component analyses, also features images of graphic forms from a huge number of stone carvings (拓本文字), including both single graphs and compounds. Character data, full graph component analyses (including variant forms), and component maps are also provided, as well as an array of links to other graphs and graphic forms. Searches can be made in traditional or simplified Chinese characters (though they return different results), or Japanese kanji. (c) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/9213
- JAANUS: Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System JAANUS is the on-line Dictionary of Japanese Architectural and Art Historical Terminology compiled by Dr. Mary Neighbour Parent.
- Jisho: Japanese-English dictionary Jisho is a powerful Japanese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji, example sentences and more quickly and easily. Enter any Japanese text or English word in the search box and Jisho will search a myriad of data for you.
- Kenkyusha Online Dictionary Registration required. See Quick Guide: https://kod.kenkyusha.co.jp/service/faq/quick.jsp
- WWWJDIC Japanese Dictionary Server This server is intended for people who have studied some Japanese and who can read at least kana. There is no display of romanized Japanese.
- Chinese- Japanese- Korean- Vietnamese- English Dictionary 中日韓越辭典 CJKV Dict (中日韓越辭典) is a smart multilingual dictionary for learners of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. It returns results in Chinese characters (漢字, called "Hànzì" in Mandarin Chinese, "Kanji" in Japanese, "Hanja" in Korean and "Hán tự" in Vietnamese) in all four languages, and automatically converts simplified Chinese characters and simplified Kanji (Shinjitai) to traditional Chinese characters.