East Asian Studies
This guide provides a general introduction to library and information resources for all those studying, teaching and researching on topics relating to China, Japan, Korea and other East Asian regions.
Internet resources
As differentiated from our Library licensed databases, the large, curated catalogue of internet resources in the three broad subject sections below are mostly free to access. In some cases users may be required to register or create an account. Every effort has been made by the East Asian Studies Librarian to ensure that the website content is suitable for academic study, but it is the user's own responsibility to check the authority, currency and accuracy of content.
This page content is organised into three sections by area of study: Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies and Korean Studies. Please click on tabs within each section to see the lists of websites of particular categories, e.g. Bibliographies, Digital archives,Institutional repositories, Newspapers, Visual materials, etc.
You are most welcome to recommend websites - please use the "Recommend an internet resource" Form at the end of this page.
East Asia
- Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping East Asian History A collection of Scalar modules and visualizations focused on spatial histories across China, Japan, and Korea. This is a collaborative project directed by David Ambaras (NCSU) and Kate McDonald (UCSB).
- Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library Digitised Book Collection 鄭裕東彤亞圖書館 Archive.org provides a collection of over 2500 digitised books that were contributed by the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library of the University of Toronto. All books are uploaded with a common set of metadata and downloadable as pdf file. You may browse the books by title or author.
- East Asian Relations Timeline Project developed by students of East Asian Studies at the University of Edinburgh
- East Asian Scroll Paintings University of Chicago Center for Art of East Asia. Handscroll paintings, painted horizontally on pieces of silk or sheets of paper and mounted as scrolls, are a major type of traditional East Asian painting, distinctive in their format and method of viewing. Because of the rare and fragile nature of these paintings, however, they are rarely shown. They cannot be handled by the public or exposed to light for extended periods in exhibitions. Therefore our center created this interactive site to simulate the experience of viewing handscrolls in ways that published photographs in books and projected slides cannot and to make them more widely accessible for teaching and research.
- Japan Center for Asian Historical Records JACAR is a digital database testifying to Japan's historical relations in Asia as well as elsewhere. This site provides access to official documents of the Japanese Cabinet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Army and Navy. In an effort to share history as it has been documented, JACAR's archives showcase the original records, including full images of the documents, all in digitized form, on an unprecedented scale.
- Souvenir de Chine photos 中日战争照片集 Album of 475 photos chiefly documents the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War with images of the 1937 Battle of Shanghai 淞沪战役 and the Nanking Massacre 南京大屠杀 but also includes images of the First Battle of Shanghai in 1932.
Chinese studies
- Chinese Independent Film Archive (CIFA) CIFA is dedicated to the preservation of and access to Chinese independent film culture. It holds a large and rare collection of films and footage, their associated material culture, existing publications on Chinese independent cinema in both English and Chinese, and oral history material. Created and published by Newcastle University.
- Chinese Posters: Propaganda, Politics, History, Art Over 1.700 Chinese propaganda posters from 1925 till the present day. This website is managed by the Chinese Posters Foundation. It contains all information originally found on Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages (1997-2010), and much more.
- Chinese Storytelling 説書 A comprehensive database for research on Chinese storytelling, including a research database with oral performances of storytelling, drama, audio- and video-recordings, written documents with relevance to storytelling, photos and pictorial art with relevance to storytelling as well as background information, upcoming conferences, and a bibliography. In English and Chinese.
- Chinese woodblock illustrations SOAS digital collection. Over a hundred Chinese Woodblock popular prints, including New Year pictures (年画 nianhua), produced in Suzhou, and predominantly from the 18th and 19th centuries. These kinds of prints appeared in the Song dynasty and gained popularity during the Ming dynasty before being mass-produced in Qing dynasty. They were displayed on the doors and walls of ordinary people’s house for decoration. Not many of them survived as they were not considered collectable items[i]. The collection is unique in that such an extensive collection cannot be found elsewhere in the UK. Some of the woodblock prints in the SOAS collection are illustrations of historic events, such as Sino-Japanese war and Boxer rebellion, while other depict popular operatic stories. The New Year pictures include common themes such as Door gods, Kitchen gods and the Ox calendar.
- Digital Archive of Bronze Rubbings 青銅器拓片數位典藏 Fu Ssu-Nien Library of the Institute of History and Philology holds more than 10,000 bronze rubbings (bronze script rubbings) which are the treasured collections of the famous connoisseurs Liu Li-zh and Chen Jie-chi from the late Ch'ing to the early Republic of China. Many of these rubbings were made by the renown artisans Chou Kang-yuan and Wang Siou-ren themselves. These beautifully made and carefully sealed rubbings, not only preserving the scripts, decorative patterns and shapes of many bronze artefacts, but also recording the remarks and seals of many past collectors and reviewers, are great works of art. In order to improve both the public access to these precious rubbings and their preservation condition, the Institute has worked hard on their digitalisation for public use on line. In 2004 the Institute officially announced its Bronze Rubbings Digital Archives at a conference on bronze and stone.
- East Asian Scroll Paintings University of Chicago Center for Art of East Asia. Handscroll paintings, painted horizontally on pieces of silk or sheets of paper and mounted as scrolls, are a major type of traditional East Asian painting, distinctive in their format and method of viewing. Because of the rare and fragile nature of these paintings, however, they are rarely shown. They cannot be handled by the public or exposed to light for extended periods in exhibitions. Therefore our center created this interactive site to simulate the experience of viewing handscrolls in ways that published photographs in books and projected slides cannot and to make them more widely accessible for teaching and research.
- Manchukuo Postcards 滿洲國明信片 276 postcards. Part of Manchuguo collection in the Harvard-Yenching Library, depicting people and views in Manchuria during the Manchuguo period.
- National Palace Museum Open Data 國立故宮博物院共享資源 Taipei’s National Palace Museum has placed 70,000 high-quality electronic images in a free-to-download archive so that online users can enjoy its exhibitions. It also provides a database for users to download information on the history and use of the cultural artefacts.
- Classical Historiography for Chinese History 中國經典文獻工具書錄 Compiled by Benjamin A. Elman, Professor of East Asian Studies and History, Princeton University. This website offers a detailed bibliography of china-related sources. All entries are alphabetized and romanized in Hanyu Pinyin. A fulltext search enables you to quickly find the relevant information you need.
- Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism 中國佛教數字目錄 A catalogue of Chinese-language Buddhist publications from 1860 to 1949 Compiled and edited by Gregory Adam Scott 史瑞戈 編輯
- Digital Library & Museum of Buddhism 佛學數位圖書館暨博物館 Devoted to collecting Buddhist bibliographies ( 413,856 entries ) with a database of 76,411 full text Buddhist articles in 45 languages and 15 different types of data.
- EVOCS – European Virtual OPAC for Chinese Studies Simultaneous search the library catalogues of some of the foremost collections of Chinese language material,mainly books, journals and newspapers, in Europe, compiled by the Association of Sinological Librarians and maintained by University of Heidelberg.
- Hong Kong Macao Periodicals Network 港澳期刊網 目前主要收錄在香港及澳門出版的中文及雙語期刊,內容方面以人文科學及社會科學為主。引用的期刊共超過三百種;大部份期刊之索引資料從一九八零年開始,但重要之學術期刊則從創刊號開始。
- PerioPath:Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System臺灣期刊論文索引系統 Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System is mainly from the East and West academic journals published in Taiwan, and some journals published in Hong Kong and Macao since 1970. There are approximately 4800 kinds of journals and more than 2.22 million articles have been collected. Academic journals published before 1970 are also available.
- Union Catalogue of Chinese Rare Books 中文古籍聯合目錄 Union catalogue of Chinese rare books held in 82 national, public and university libraries around the world.
- 华侨华人研究综合数据库 “华侨华人研究综合数据库”, 是“华侨华人文献信息专题数据库”中的一个子项目。该库由书目库、论文库、报纸库、图表库、资料库5个子库组成,向读者提供书目目次、题录、索引、统计资料和全文等华侨华人研究的文献信息。
- BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 150 million documents from more than 7,000 sources. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free (Open Access). BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library.
- Caixin Online 财新网 Online Portal of Caixin Media Company Ltd. (财新网) a Beijing-based media group that was established in January 2010, subsequent to the departure of Hu Shuli and the majority of the editors and reporters at Caijing Magazine in November 2009. The original staff of Caixin Media is entirely employees that left Caijing. Caixin is dedicated to providing high-quality and authoritative financial and business news and information through periodicals, online, conferences, books, and online video programs.
- China Law Blog - China Law for Business The China Law Blog discusses practical aspects of Chinese law and how it impacts business there. Its aim is to assist businesses already in China or planning to go into China, not to break new ground in legal theory or policy.
- China Tracker A blog from Forbes.com mainly featuring reports, news and analyses about business in China and the Chinese economy.
- bab.la - online dictionaries for 28 languages bab.la is a user generated language portal. "With bab.la you can look for translations, learn languages with the help of language tests and help to build up the dictionary. You can make your own translation suggestions or verify the suggestions of other users."
- Bamboo & Silk Manuscripts Paleographic Contextual Database 簡帛網中國古代簡帛字形、辭例數據庫 Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University 武漢大學簡帛研究中心. © 2005 The Center has created a database of single-graph images taken from the official publications of the excavated bamboo and silk manuscripts from the ancient states of Chu, Qin, and Han. Users can enter a character or component (pianpang 偏旁) into the main search box to view graphic forms or use the contextual search to see all phrases containing the character; both searches can be further narrowed by selecting specific manuscripts or corpora. Entries and search functions are in traditional Chinese characters only. (c) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/9213
- Chinese-English Dictionary This Chinese/English dictionary provides a searchable interface for the CEDICT dictionary originally put together by Paul Denisowksi. Searches can be conducted by Chinese (using either the GB, Big5, or Unicode encodings), pinyin, or English. Results will show the Chinese word, the pinyin representation of the word, and the English definition. You can choose to have the Chinese characters appear as GIF pictures. You can also click on the pinyin to hear how it is pronounced.
- Chinese-English Dictionary of Ming Government Official Titles 明代職官中英辭典 This bilingual dictionary is developed through a crowd-translation project that was funded by CEAL- The Council of East Asian Libraries and Mellon Foundation. This is the first edition. The project team encourages scholars to use it and to send them their revision suggestions, if any. they will update the dictionary based upon your suggestions. Note that this version comes with a navigation menu. However, to be able to see and use the menu, one has to download the PDF file and open it up in Adobe.
- Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage 當代漢英詞典 The production of the Web edition of Lin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage is based on the first edition of the work (hereafter called "the original edition") published in 1972 by the Chinese University Press. The dictionary comprises a total of 8,169 head characters, together with 44,407 explanatory entries of grammatical usage and 40,379 entries of Chinese words or phrases.
- Chinese- Japanese- Korean- Vietnamese- English Dictionary 中日韓越辭典 CJKV Dict (中日韓越辭典) is a smart multilingual dictionary for learners of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. It returns results in Chinese characters (漢字, called "Hànzì" in Mandarin Chinese, "Kanji" in Japanese, "Hanja" in Korean and "Hán tự" in Vietnamese) in all four languages, and automatically converts simplified Chinese characters and simplified Kanji (Shinjitai) to traditional Chinese characters.
- Chinese Character Dictionary The character dictionary gives four different ways to search for characters: in English, pinyin, Cantonese, and radical/stroke.
- Chinese Characters Dictionary Web 字典網 Many of the Chinese dictionaries on the web are interlinked at a character-to-character level, allowing visitors to jump across dictionaries to check the same character entry without having to search again for the character. Find a character in any of the incorporated dictionaries and you can follow the blue links, jumping between more than a dozen dictionaries spread across seven countries and four continents.
- Chinese Etymology 字源 Etymological databases of ancient as well as modern Chinese characters.
- DeHanCi - Chinese-German / German-Chinese Online Dictionary The DeHanCi.com is a German-Chinese and Chinese-German word and phrase dictionary (online dictionary) with fuzzy logic for finding sentence examples and dialogues.
- Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants 異體字字典 The dictionary features basic definitions and citations in digital text for each variant, and the right side panel contains linked images of citations taken from the pages of a number of standard reference works for graphic forms, including: 說文解字, 古文字類編,漢語古文字字形表, 漢簡文字類篇, 漢隸字源, 隸辨, 金石文字辨異, 偏類碑別字, 碑別字新編, 六朝別字記新編, 敦煌俗字譜, 干祿字書, 龍龕手鏡, 龍龕手鑑, 玉篇, 廣韻, 集韻, 集韻考正, 類篇, 四聲篇海, 宋元以來俗字譜, 字學三正, 字彙, 正字通, 字彙補, 康熙字典, 彙音寶鑑, 異體字手冊, 大陸簡化字表, 角川漢和辭典, 中日朝漢字字形對照, 中文大辭典, 漢語大字典, 中國書法大字典, 草書大字典, 學生簡體字字典, 簡體字表, 佛教難字字典, 中華字海, 古文四聲韻, 宋體母稿異體字, 書法字彙, 重訂直音篇, and 補充資料.
- Digital Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese 古漢語詞源字典 (網絡版) User registration is required.
- Handian 漢典 Online dictionary that accepts both simplified and traditional search queries. Entries include pronunciation in both pinyin and zhuyin. Perhaps the best feature is the inclusion of both the Shuowen jiezi 說文解字 and Kangxi zidian 康熙字典.
- Kaifang Cidian: Cantonese 開放詞典:粵語 Mandarin to Cantonese and vice versa dictionary with transliteration.
- Kanxi Zidian Online 康熙字典網上版 Images of pages from the 1716 Kangxi Dictionary are presented alongside essentially the same content in digital form. The dictionary also contains a basic search function. Entries and search functions are in traditional Chinese characters only.
- Archives of the Grand Secretariat 內閣大庫檔案 There are over four thousand Ming(1368-1644) documents and more than three hundred thousand volumes of Ch’ing(1644-1911) archival materials in this collection, including imperial decrees, edicts, memorials, tribute document, examination questions, examination papers, rosters of successful examination candidates, documents from the offices of the Grand Secretariat, documents from the offices for book compilation, and old documents from Mukden. Memorials make up the bulk these documents.
- Bao Juan 寶卷 7 titles from the Ming dynasty
- Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library Digitised Book Collection 鄭裕東彤亞圖書館 Archive.org provides a collection of over 2500 digitised books that were contributed by the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library of the University of Toronto. All books are uploaded with a common set of metadata and downloadable as pdf file. You may browse the books by title or author.
- China Biographical Database Project A freely accessible relational database with biographical information about approximately 427,000 individuals as of April 2019, primarily from the 7th through 19th centuries. With both online and offline versions, the data is meant to be useful for statistical, social network, and spatial analysis as well as serving as a kind of biographical reference. The image below shows the spatial distribution of a cross dynastic subset of 190,000 people in CBDB by basic affiliations (籍貫).
- China Families [about people who lived and worked in China between the 1850s and 1940s] On this site you can find a growing body of information about men and women of many different nationalities, professions and ages, who lived and worked in China between the 1850s and 1940s. These records have been drawn from government department lists, legal and diplomatic records, cemetery lists, and during research undertaken for a number of projects on the history of modern China and of the foreign relations of China.
- Chinese Foreign Policy Database The Chinese Foreign Policy Database enhances the ability of contemporary observers and historians to gain broader perspectives on Chinese policies. Curating 1000s of documents from Chinese and international archives, it offers insights into China’s foreign policy since 1949 and its relationship to ideology, revolution, the economy, and traditional Chinese culture. The Database is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation and the Henry Luce Foundation.
- Chinese Land Records [1584-1978] Records reflect the land ownership in different historical periods, land tenure changes and land management system of China between 1584-1978. Depositor: University of Pittsburgh
- Chinese Marriage Documents [1909- 1997] Contains Chinese marriage documents from 1909 to 1997, including marriage certificates, wedding and engagement invitations, child bride agreements, uxorilocal marriage documents, remarriage agreements, divorce certificates and documents of marriage law. Depositor: University of Pittsburgh
- Chinese Rare Books- CURIOSity Digital Collection 中文善本特藏 Digitised the Chinese rare book collection at Harvard University
- Chinese Rare Books printed in Japan 和刻漢籍 Ongoing digitisiation project at Harvard University
- Chinese Rare Books printed in Korea 韓刻漢籍 Ongoing digitisation project at Harvard University
- Chinese Republican Period Collection 民國時期文獻 Image files of 1,0771 Chinese publications from the Republican period, including government reprots, lecture notes, etc.
- Chinese Women’s Magazines in the late Qing and early Republican period The database contains records about all articles, images, and advertisements of four important women’s magazines, namely _ Nüzi shijie_ (Women’s World, 1904-07), Funü shibao (The Women’s Eastern Times, 1911-17), Funü zazhi (The Ladies’ Journal, 1915-31), and Linglong (Elegance, 1931-37). Individual user registration needed.
- Christianity Collection 基督教傳教士文獻 776 titles of digitised books at Harvard University
- Classical Historiography for Chinese History 中國經典文獻工具書錄 Compiled by Benjamin A. Elman, Professor of East Asian Studies and History, Princeton University. This website offers a detailed bibliography of china-related sources. All entries are alphabetized and romanized in Hanyu Pinyin. A fulltext search enables you to quickly find the relevant information you need.
- Collection of President Chiang Kai-Shek (Academia Historica) 蔣中正總統文物 Academia Historica's "Collection of President Chiang Kai-Shek" contains the correspondence, telegraphs, diaries, letters, books, maps, image materials and artifacts left behind by Mr. Chiang Kai-Shek during the periods of the Northern Expedition, Unification, Second Sino-Japanese War and Rebellion. These were collected and organized throughout the years by Chiang’s secretaries. The Collection is categorized into strategic manuscripts, revolutionary literature, personal letters, photographs, books and artifacts, specialized documents, specialized files, specialized telegrams and others. There are 3,471 files in total, including 317,137 catalogue entries and 832,601 scanned image files.
- Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature 臺南大學日治時代日文珍本數位典藏計畫 The Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature of the National University of Tainan compromises 58 digitized books and 929 images from the Japanese colonial era on Taiwan. The scans (books and images) are searchable only by keyword/title. No fulltext search is provided. The scans are of high quality. All book scans are free to download as PDF file.
- Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books 『東洋文庫所蔵』貴重書デジタルアーカイブ Digital archive (image database) of basic references on Silk Road, including 245 rare books (82 authors : 72,591 pages) by the digitization of whole books from cover to cover.
- Digital Taiwan 典藏臺灣 典藏臺灣(DigitalArchives.tw)是由台灣中央研究院數位文化中心所建立的成果展示平台
- Documentary Film: The Revolution They Remember (China's Cultural Revolution in memories) China's Cultural Revolution in memories project by the University of Pittsburgh Library System
- Early Chinese Periodicals Online (EPCO) ECPO joins together several important digital collections of the early Chinese press and puts them into a single overarching framework: WoMag (http://womag.uni-hd.de) is a richly-tagged database of the contents of four influential women’s magazines published between 1904 and 1937, including scanned copies and additional high-level scans of images and fukan/insert materials. Xiaobao (http://xiaobao.uni-hd.de) provides basic publication data and an overview of the contents of some 22 entertainment newspapers (xiaobao) from the late Qing and Republican periods.
- Greater China Archival Resources Web Archive Collected by: Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation Subject: Universities & Libraries, Archives, Archival resources
- Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941) Hong Kong Government Reports Online (HKGRO) is a full-text image database providing online access to pre-World War II issues of four major government publications, namely, Administrative Report, Hong Kong Sessional Papers, Hong Kong Hansard and Hong Kong Government Gazette. It contains a wide range of information, such as official notifications, proceedings of the Legislative Council, statistics, and reports of government departments and special committees, which are essential to students and scholars in conducting research on Hong Kong.
- Hong Kong Oral History Archives 香港口述歷史檔案 A collection of over 200 oral histories. The collection contains memories of individuals from a diversity of sectors, ethnic groups, trades and occupations, associations and communities. The interviews recorded pivotal points in an interviewee’s life, such as his/her birth, family and marriage, schooling and education, employment, migration and connections with his/her home place, residence and community, leisure and social life, as well as their observation and witnesses of special historical events. The interview records have been edited into digitized materials.
- Manchu Rare Books 滿文古籍 69 titles, 368 vols
- The Michael Schoenhals Collection - China during the Cultural Revolution 中国文化大革命文献特藏 The collector and donor, Michael Schoenhals, collected the material during the 1990’s by visiting flea markets in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing. A smaller part of the collection was gathered by the cultural attaché at the Swedish embassy in Beijing 1966-1967 and was later donated to Michael Schoenhals. The collection contains unique materials, including newsletters, criticism material, posters, caricatures, vinyl records, pictures, diaries and crime investigations made by Red Guard factions.
- Ming-Qing Women's Writings 明清婦女著作 Online digital archive of writigns by women form the Ming-Qing period held by the Harvard-Yenching Library. 91 texts. Can be searched in pinyin or traditional Chinese characters.
- Opium in China [1830-1930] A digital collection of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. It takes into account events leading to and culminating in the first Opium War and its concluding Treaty of Nanking. It moves onward to include the second Opium War and its concluding Treaty of Tientsin. Also included are the establishment of Treaty Ports; the Taiping Rebellion; the Boxer Rebellion and, drug control efforts of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service. In as much as it can, the Collection also gathers resources related to medicine, trade, and other issues.
- Overseas Chinese Students Newsletters [1970- 1998] Contains Chinese student newsletters from 1970 to 1998. The majority were published by overseas Chinese students in the United States, with a few published in Canada, Hong Kong, and several other countries. Most of the newsletters are written in Chinese. Depositor: University of Pittsburgh
- PRC History Group The PRC History Group is a network of scholars with interests in the history of the People’s Republic of China.
- Qing and Republican Documents Collection 中国清代民国公私文書コレクション The Qing and Republican Documents Collection consists of image files of almost 300 items from the Qing and Republican periods. It includes contracts dealing with pledge-leasing, rental, property rights, tax, and other private and official documents.
- Scripta Sinica Database 漢籍全文資料庫計畫 The Scripta Sinica database contains 1,258 titles of traditional Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history. 資料庫內容包括經、史、子、集四部,其中以史部為主,經、子、集部為輔。
- World Digital Library - Chinese items Digitised Chinese language items in World Digital Library. 642 items as of 25 Feb 2020.
- 永樂大典 List of all the surviving original volumes of the great 16th century work and their current holding libraries, with links to the digitised full image version if available. This list is provided by the Chinese Department of Cambridge University Library.
- 臺灣總督府檔案 臺灣總督府檔案是日本殖民統治臺灣50年餘最重要第一手統治關係檔案紀錄,但是臺灣總督府檔案內容並不是料單一的檔案群, 而是由諸多檔案群構成,計13,146卷(冊)。其中最重要的是攸關在臺灣、澎湖群島全般的統治紀錄─「臺灣總督府公文類纂」,再加上 「臨時臺灣土地調查局公文類纂」、「高等林野調查委員會文書」、「舊縣公文類纂」、「糖務局公文類纂」、「土木局公文類纂」、 「國庫補助關係書類」等。
- East Asia Digital Library EADL is a partnership between the National Library of Korea and the National Diet Library of Japan. EADL has two types of digital resources.One is bibliographic data of digitized old books provided by participating institutions. You can explore scanned images of originals through each library’s search service.The Other is thematic digital collections selected by each participating institution. You can view scanned images of originals through EADL Digital Collection menu.
- Fudan University Social Science Data Repository 复旦大学社会科学数据平台 Fudan University’s Social Science Data Repository is an exchange and sharing platform. It includes both research results in the form of papers and articles as well as research data from different departments and institutions. There is also data from the Fudan Yangtze River Delta Social Transformation Survey which includes social data from the generation born in 1980-89 in Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shanghai. Individual registration is necessary. Not all the content is freely available, but it is possible to ask for permission to see restricted data.
- Directory of Open Access Repositories - mainland China Links to 47 institutional repositories in China.
- Directory of Open Access Repositories - Taiwan China Links to 60 institutional repostories in Taiwan
- Directory of Open Access Repositories - Hong Kong China Links to 7 institutional repositories in Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Journals Online Hong Kong Journals Online (HKJO) is a full-text image database providing access to selected academic and professional journals, both in English and Chinese, published in Hong Kong. Titles included in this database cover a wide range of disciplines including law, medicine and education. The University of Hong Kong Libraries, with a rich collection of Hong Kong journals, developed this database with the objectives of facilitating efficient information retrieval and preserving archival materials. Issues included in this database vary from journal to journal with the earliest going back to 1872. Currently, more than 491,290 images from over 60 titles will be accessible on the database. More titles with permission granted for digitising their full text will be included to the database. New issues of the titles will also be added as soon as being received. Scholars doing research on Hong Kong will find this an invaluable resource.
- National Social Sciences Database 国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库 The National Social Sciences Database of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) provides free access to over 10 million articles in over two thousand academic journals in China, 80 of which are published by the CASS itself. The database covers a wide range of subjects in humanities and social sciences such as politics, law, economics, philosophy, history, etc. Charles Aylmer (Cambridge) has provided a list of these journal titles in alphabetical pinyin order on the CrossAsia platform. Clicking on a title gives direct access to the full text journal. Please note that if you access the database outside the University of Edinburgh network or without your University Login, individual registration will be necessary for downloading articles.
- National Taiwan Normal University Electronic Theses & Dissertations 國立台灣師範大學博碩士論文系統 The National Taiwan Normal University Electronic Theses & Dissertations Database comprises over 16.000 fulltext records and over 22.000 abstract records of theses and dissertations written in Taiwan. The collection can be searched by various parameters.
- Directory of Open Access Journals - Chinese language content Containing 54 journals and 20,825 articles in the Chinese language as of May 2020
- Directory of Open Access Journals - published in China As of 23 May 2020, 153 journals, 56,727 articles published in China
- Directory of Open Access Journals - published in Hong Kong As of 23 May 2020, containing 19 journals and 4,942 articles published in Hong Kong
- HKU Scholars Hub 香港大學學術庫 The HKU Scholars Hub is the current research information system of The University of Hong Kong.
- Hong Kong Journals Online A full-text image database providing access to selected academic and professional journals, both in English and Chinese, published in Hong Kong.
- 中国研究网络资源导航 Search engine by Beijing Zhenben Technology Co.Ltd. for discovering open-access, fulll-text books, articles and other documents for Chinese studies.
- Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants 異體字字典 The dictionary features basic definitions and citations in digital text for each variant, and the right side panel contains linked images of citations taken from the pages of a number of standard reference works for graphic forms, including: 說文解字, 古文字類編,漢語古文字字形表, 漢簡文字類篇, 漢隸字源, 隸辨, 金石文字辨異, 偏類碑別字, 碑別字新編, 六朝別字記新編, 敦煌俗字譜, 干祿字書, 龍龕手鏡, 龍龕手鑑, 玉篇, 廣韻, 集韻, 集韻考正, 類篇, 四聲篇海, 宋元以來俗字譜, 字學三正, 字彙, 正字通, 字彙補, 康熙字典, 彙音寶鑑, 異體字手冊, 大陸簡化字表, 角川漢和辭典, 中日朝漢字字形對照, 中文大辭典, 漢語大字典, 中國書法大字典, 草書大字典, 學生簡體字字典, 簡體字表, 佛教難字字典, 中華字海, 古文四聲韻, 宋體母稿異體字, 書法字彙, 重訂直音篇, and 補充資料.
- Guodian Chu Bamboo Texts 郭店楚簡資料庫 Digital version of the 1993 discovered bamboo stripes from Guodian (Jingmen, Hubei) dating back to the Warring States period.
- Kaifang Cidian: Cantonese 開放詞典網: 粵語詞典 Mandarin to Cantonese and vice versa dictionary with transliteration
- Multi-function Chinese Charakter Database 漢語多功能字庫 A Repository of Chinese Scientific, Philosophical and Political Terms Coined in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
- Archives of the Grand Secretariat 內閣大庫檔案 There are over four thousand Ming(1368-1644) documents and more than three hundred thousand volumes of Ch’ing(1644-1911) archival materials in this collection, including imperial decrees, edicts, memorials, tribute document, examination questions, examination papers, rosters of successful examination candidates, documents from the offices of the Grand Secretariat, documents from the offices for book compilation, and old documents from Mukden. Memorials make up the bulk these documents.
- Chinese Ancient Books Database 漢籍善本全文影像資料庫 This collection of the University of Tôkyô compromises several digitized ancient works starting from Qin- and Han-Dynasty to the Republican Era. The database provides high-quality scans of the original documents, which can be downloaded as PDF file.
- Chinese Philosophical Etext Archive 中國哲學電文檔案 You will find three kinds of materials here: 1) Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts created by the Confucian Etext Project; 2) Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts from other sources, to some of which we have made minor improvements; and 3) Information on and links to more information on the preparation and use of these texts.
- Chinese Text Initiative 中華文學集錦 The Chinese Text Initiative of the University of Virginia Library provides Chinese full-texts and English translations of the 300 Tang Poems, Gu Yao Yan, Shi Jing, Hong Lou Meng, Yu Xuan Ji and Lienü Zhuan.
- Chinese Text Project 中國哲學書電子化計劃 The Chinese Text Project is a web-based e-text system designed to present ancient Chinese texts, particularly those relating to Chinese philosophy, in a well-structured and properly cross-referenced manner, making the most of the electronic medium to aid in the study and understanding of these texts. You may wish to read more about the project, view the full table of contents, or consult the instructions. Some texts are available in translation (e.g. Legge).
- Classical Poetry 古典诗词 Large collection of digitalized Chinese Poetry.
- Daoist Texts Collection 道教经典文库 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library maintains a precious collection of more than twenty Daoist texts of the Qing Dynasty. Originated from the Daoist abbeys in Luofu Mount in Guangdong, some of the textures arrived in Hong Kong from Daoist temples in Guangdong and nearby areas probably after the Republican period. The collectors donated the scriptures to Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library in the 50s of the last century.
- Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature 臺南大學日治時代日文珍本數位典藏計畫 The Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature of the National University of Tainan compromises 58 digitized books and 929 images from the Japanese colonial era on Taiwan. The scans (books and images) are searchable only by keyword/title. No fulltext search is provided. The scans are of high quality. All book scans are free to download as PDF file.
- Digital Library & Museum of Buddhism 佛學數位圖書館暨博物館 Devoted to collecting Buddhist bibliographies ( 413,856 entries ) with a database of 76,411 full text Buddhist articles in 45 languages and 15 different types of data.
- Duxieren 读写人 Book Blogs and News. “读写人”(duxieren.com)是一个聚合了书评杂志、书评博客、中英文读书资源的读书网站。
- East Asia Digital Library EADL is a partnership between the National Library of Korea and the National Diet Library of Japan. EADL has two types of digital resources.One is bibliographic data of digitized old books provided by participating institutions. You can explore scanned images of originals through each library’s search service.The Other is thematic digital collections selected by each participating institution. You can view scanned images of originals through EADL Digital Collection menu.
- Hong Kong Journals Online Hong Kong Journals Online (HKJO) is a full-text image database providing access to selected academic and professional journals, both in English and Chinese, published in Hong Kong. Titles included in this database cover a wide range of disciplines including law, medicine and education. The University of Hong Kong Libraries, with a rich collection of Hong Kong journals, developed this database with the objectives of facilitating efficient information retrieval and preserving archival materials. Issues included in this database vary from journal to journal with the earliest going back to 1872. Currently, more than 491,290 images from over 60 titles will be accessible on the database. More titles with permission granted for digitising their full text will be included to the database. New issues of the titles will also be added as soon as being received. Scholars doing research on Hong Kong will find this an invaluable resource.
- Hong Kong Literature Database 香港文學資料庫 Hong Kong Literature Database is the first database on Hong Kong literature. Full-text is available in a major part of the database.
- Liaozhai: A Cryptohistory (聊斋) An ongoing project by Mr Dan Alderson to provide English translations of the accounts within Liaozhai (聊斋). These accounts are divided into twelve volumes and, as the translations are completed, selected ones will be available to read here. Complete translations of each volume will also be published in time and made available to download.
- Modern Chinese Literature Research Portal 中国现代文学研究网 香港中文大学中国语言及文学系与大学图书馆系统于2008年1月联合展开“中国现代文学研究网站计划”,作为中大五个主要领域「中国研究」之一部份。 本计划旨在整合分散各地的中国现代文学资源,透过互联网提供一站式的平台,重构中国现代文学的整体面貌,以期有助中国现代文学的保存、传播、教学、研究及发展。
- National Digital Library of China 中国国家数字图书馆 People who have registered with a China mobile phone number can access all the resources. However, no registration is required for anyone to access the digitised ancient books of China. These resources include: 包括东文研汉籍影像库、法藏敦煌遗书、哈佛大学善本特藏、天津图书馆古籍、云南图书馆古籍、上海图书馆家谱、数字古籍、赵城金藏、中华医药典籍、碑帖菁华、敦煌遗珍、甲骨世界、年画撷英、前尘旧影、数字方志、宋人文集、西夏论著、西夏文献、中华古籍善本联合书目、徽州家谱20个资源库.
- National Social Sciences Database 国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库 The National Social Sciences Database of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) provides free access to over 10 million articles in over two thousand academic journals in China, 80 of which are published by the CASS itself. The database covers a wide range of subjects in humanities and social sciences such as politics, law, economics, philosophy, history, etc. Charles Aylmer (Cambridge) has provided a list of these journal titles in alphabetical pinyin order on the CrossAsia platform. Clicking on a title gives direct access to the full text journal. Please note that if you access the database outside the University of Edinburgh network or without your University Login, individual registration will be necessary for downloading articles.
- Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong 毛主席语录 The text is verbatim from the second edition of "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung", printed in Peking in 1967.
- Scripta Sinica Database 漢籍全文資料庫計畫 The Scripta Sinica database contains 1,258 titles of traditional Chinese classics, especially those related to Chinese history. 資料庫內容包括經、史、子、集四部,其中以史部為主,經、子、集部為輔。
- Siku Quanshu 四庫全書 From Internet Archive
- Taiwan Classical Chinese Poetry 台灣古典漢詩 The website provides a collection of the following anthologies: 後蘇龕詩鈔, 陶村詩稿, 無悶草堂詩存, 滄海遺民賸稿, 溪山煙雨樓詩存, 劍花室詩集, 窺園留草 and 嶺雲海日樓詩鈔. The following authors are included: 施士洁, 陳肇興, 林朝崧, 王松, 于右任, 陳逢源, 陳渭雄, 林南強, 黃西圃, 清瀨一郎, 黃杰, 李神義, 吳夢周, 丁衣宇, 黃景南, 連橫, 許南英, 丘逢甲. The collection may be searched by title, author, poem collection and fulltext.
- Unofficial Poetry Journals from China Unofficial or "underground" poetry publications from China, collected by Maghiel van Crevel. The collection contains early specimens from the late 1970s and extends to the early 21st century. It mainly consists of journals but also includes a limited number of monographs. Provided by Leiden University Libraries.
- Window of Shanghai Hundreds of e-books, reference works, newspapers and works of fine arts, made available by Shanghai Library on the Apabi platform.
- 好讀 Thousands of literary texts
- 永樂大典 List of all the surviving original volumes of the great 16th century work and their current holding libraries, with links to the digitised full image version if available. This list is provided by the Chinese Department of Cambridge University Library.
- 王力《古代汉语》 A nicely transcribed version of 王力's 《古代汉语》(中华书局, 1999, revised edition). It is an athoritative and very useful resource for studying classic Chinese.
- Antique Maps of China The maps included in this database are from the Special Collections of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library. The Antique Maps of China collection includes more than 230 maps, charts, pictures, books and atlases. It represents almost all samples of China maps produced by European cartographers from the 16th to 19th centuries. This cartographic archive vividly records the long history of cross-cultural exchanges between China and the West.
- Digital Maps 数字地圖 Digital maps overing China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Vietnam
- Chinese Entertainment Newspapers 小報 This database focuses on a special type of newspaper known as the xiaobao or entertainment newspaper. It first appeared in China in the 1890s and was inspired by Western entertainment tabloids. The centre of publication was Shanghai, and from the time of its creation, it became one of the most popular media for the daily publication of entertainment news, serialized fiction, short stories, social and political commentary, and cartoon drawing. While little studied, its impact on the formation of popular culture and of urban lifestyle for the first half of the 20th century has been all-pervasive. For this first phase of construction, the database mainly focuses on the xiaobao that specialized on courtesan entertainment, actors and theatre, movie stars in motion pictures, and literary productions. It covers the time period from 1890s to the 1930s. Alongside entertainment stars, it will highlight advertisements and information about entertainment businesses in Shanghai, writers, editors and other contributors to this rich and diverse medium.
- Translation from the Peking Gazette Available issues: 1873-1899
- Celestial Empire 華洋通聞 SOAS digital collection. 1874-1929 (various issues unavailable)
- The Oriental or Tung Ngai San-Luk 東涯新錄 SOAS digital collection. Chinese newspaper in San Francisco, 1855 (Volume 1, numbers 1 through 3)
- People's Daily 人民日报 Content covering the last two years.
- Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941) Hong Kong Government Reports Online (HKGRO) is a full-text image database providing online access to pre-World War II issues of four major government publications, namely, Administrative Report, Hong Kong Sessional Papers, Hong Kong Hansard and Hong Kong Government Gazette. It contains a wide range of information, such as official notifications, proceedings of the Legislative Council, statistics, and reports of government departments and special committees, which are essential to students and scholars in conducting research on Hong Kong.
- Database of Taiwanese Old Photos 臺灣舊照片資料庫 Collection of Taiwan University of approximately 37.000 historical photos from Taiwan under Japanese rule.
- Hedda Morrison Photographs of China 赫逹莫里森中國老照片 5,914 photographs taken by Hedda Hammer Morrison (1809-1991) while resident in Beijing from 1933 to 1946.
- International Mission Photography Archive USC Digital Library, can search and browse by country or place names.
- Loewentheil China Photography Collection 洛文希尔中国摄影收藏 The Loewentheil China Photography Collection. Its more than 21,000 photographs span the earliest days of paper photography in the 1850s through the 1930s, with more than one-half of the photographs dating to the late Qing Dynasty.
- Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Collection on Muslims in China 畢敬士中國穆斯林老照片 1,163 photos and manuscripts of Muslims and Christian missionaries working among them in Western China in the 1920s and 1930s.
- Sidney D. Gamble Photographs Collection Over 5,000 photographs, primarily of China, 1908-1932.
- Silk Road in Photographs Note from the publisher National Institute of Informatics: This site facilitates the usage of Silk Road photographs for research and studies. We annotate photographs with basic metadata, and try to link photographs with other databases. This site currently archives 6129 photographs.
- Souvenir de Chine photos 中日战争照片集 Album of 475 photos chiefly documents the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War with images of the 1937 Battle of Shanghai 淞沪战役 and the Nanking Massacre 南京大屠杀 but also includes images of the First Battle of Shanghai in 1932.
- China Vitae 中国名人录 China Vitae is a resource of biographical information on more than 4000 Chinese leaders in government, politics, the military, education, business, and the media. State-of-the-art search tools facilitate research in depth, and a research library provides historical information on politics and government.
- Research Guide for Chinese Studies Provided by Harvard Library
- ScriptSource ScriptSource is a dynamic, collaborative reference to the writing systems of the world, with detailed information on scripts, characters, languages - and the remaining needs for supporting them in the computing realm. It is sponsored, developed and maintained by SIL International.
- Buddhist Rubbings Collection 佛教石刻造像拓本 The Buddhist rubbings collection in Fu Ssu-nian Library is the largest one in Taiwan. A majority of these rubbings are from China, including Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Gansu provinces. These rubbings are dated from the 5th century to the modern time. In addition, several rubbings are from foreign countries, such as the inscriptions of Sakyamuni and Bhaisajyaguru statues in the Golden Hall of Horyu-ji Tempel in Japan. From the seals on the rubbings, we know some former collectors such as Gui Fu, Duan Fang, Zhou Xingyi, Xu Naichang, Ke Changsi, Pan Zuyin and Liu Xihai. Some of the rubbings were collected by Mr. Shi Zhangru, a researcher of the institute, during his field trips in the Yao County, Shaanxi, in the 1940's. The content of the rubbing is generally about the wishes of the devotees, circumstances for making statues, including the organizations of the devotees. Writing of the epigraphy provides important social historical information for ancient China.
- Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫 These databases integrate information from various projects at the Library and Information Center at Dharma Drum Buddhist College. By providing information on Chinese calendar dates, as well as an onomasticon of person and place names from Buddhist sources they help with disambiguation and geo-spatial referencing of names and dates. Containing: 1) Information on Chinese calendar dates; 2) Information on personal names from Buddhist sources; 3) Information on place names from Buddhist sources with latitude and longitude.
- Christianity Collection 基督教傳教士文獻 776 titles of digitised books at Harvard University
- Daoist Texts Collection 道教经典文库 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library maintains a precious collection of more than twenty Daoist texts of the Qing Dynasty. Originated from the Daoist abbeys in Luofu Mount in Guangdong, some of the textures arrived in Hong Kong from Daoist temples in Guangdong and nearby areas probably after the Republican period. The collectors donated the scriptures to Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library in the 50s of the last century.
- Digital Catalogue of Chinese Buddhism 中國佛教數字目錄 A catalogue of Chinese-language Buddhist publications from 1860 to 1949 Compiled and edited by Gregory Adam Scott 史瑞戈 編輯
- A Digital Introduction to the Chinese Buddhist Canon from The Digital Orientalist
- Digital Library & Museum of Buddhism 佛學數位圖書館暨博物館 Devoted to collecting Buddhist bibliographies ( 413,856 entries ) with a database of 76,411 full text Buddhist articles in 45 languages and 15 different types of data.
- Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Collection on Muslims in China 畢敬士中國穆斯林老照片 1,163 photos and manuscripts of Muslims and Christian missionaries working among them in Western China in the 1920s and 1930s.
- SAT Daizōkyō Text Database 大正新脩大藏經 Full text of 85 volumes of Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō (大正新脩大藏經) one of the most important editions of the Chinese Buddhist Canon and its Japanese commentaries used by scholars in the 20th century.
- Taoist Studies Institute 道教學院 Fostering the Taoist Tradition through Cultivation, Education,and the Arts
- National Bureau of Statistics of PRC – Censuses 国家统计局普查数据 Population Censuses as well as economic, agricultural, industrial and other censuses of P. R. China.
- National Bureau of Statistics of China – National Data 中国国家统计局国家数据 Includes annual, quarterly and monthly statistical data on national as well as regional level. In Englihs and Chinese.
- Liaozhai: A Cryptohistory (聊斋) An ongoing project by Mr Dan Alderson to provide English translations of the accounts within Liaozhai (聊斋). These accounts are divided into twelve volumes and, as the translations are completed, selected ones will be available to read here. Complete translations of each volume will also be published in time and made available to download.
- Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong 毛主席语录 The text is verbatim from the second edition of "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung", printed in Peking in 1967.
Japanese studies
- North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources Comprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Program Video Series: https://guides.nccjapan.org/cddp/video-series. The CDDP Video Series offers instructional videos on freely available resources and cutting-edge projects related to Japanese Studies, highlighting useful tools and best practices.
- Comprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Program Video Series The CDDP Video Series offers instructional videos on freely available resources and cutting-edge projects related to Japanese Studies, highlighting useful tools and best practices.
- Exploring Premodern Japan through Video - project site NCC Japanese Studies Spotlight; a Collaborative Project at the University of British Columbia
- Asahi Shinbun (English) The English website of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. News are kept and can be searched for one year.
- International Gleanings from Japan Creator: International Association of Japan. 1933 August 15 through 1941 April 15 (some issues missing)
- The Trans-Pacific (Sep 1919 - 1921) Via Hathi Trust. Full text available only for Hathi Trust member institutions (University of Edinburgh is not yet a member). However, search within full text is available, providing matching terms.
- Japan Weekly Mail 1870 (Vol.1, #1-50) Full images available from Google Books
- 神戸大学新聞記事文庫 (newspaper clippings from 1910-1943) Database of newspaper clippings from 1910-1943, including papers published in Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria.
- CiNii Books - 大学図書館の本をさがす - 国立情報学研究所 CiNii Books enables searching of information on books and journals that are held in university libraries in Japan. About 10 million titles held in 1200 university libraries (totaled over 100 million books), and about 1.5 million authors are included. CiNii Books contains wide variety of books – recent books, classics, foreign books, CD, DVD, etc. Users can check the list of libraries in Japan holding the books or journals they are searching for. Directly linking to the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) page of university libraries from book or journal page enables users to search for the details such as whether it is available now. If these full texts are provided in CiNii Articles, users can follow the link to the full text documents.
- Zassaku Plus - database for Japanese magazines and periodicals from Meiji Era to the present Zassaku Plus is an article index database covering journals and periodicals published in Japan since the Meiji period (1868) to present, including but expanding the coverage of Zassahi Kiji Sakuin database which is freely available from the National Diet Library. To assist students and researchers during the difficult situation due to the Corona virus epidemics, there is free access to Zassaku Plus until 31 of May (could be finished earlier if the situation changes).
- Directory of Open Access Repositories - Japan Links to 542 institutional repositories in Japan
- J-STAGE The Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-STAGE), is a system developed by the Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) with the aim to assist academic societies create and publish electronic journals. Despite the title it also includes journals with social sciences and humanities, partly freely available in fulltext.
- Akira Kurosawa Archive The archive, put together by Kurosawa’s estate and Ryukoku University Digital Archives Research Center, is a digital collection of over twenty thousand pages of Kurosawa’s screenplays, photos, storyboards, drawings, notes, newspaper clippings, personal scribblings and other materials. Among the high quality scans you can find unfilmed screenplays, screenplay drafts that were later revised, production memos and notes, continuity drawings, and much more. While most of it is in Japanese, there are also some English documents, and of course plenty of pictures to check out.
- Cultural Japan Discover digital resources on Japanese Culture from all over the world. More than a million items are collected for this platform.
- Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature 臺南大學日治時代日文珍本數位典藏計畫 The Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature of the National University of Tainan compromises 58 digitized books and 929 images from the Japanese colonial era on Taiwan. The scans (books and images) are searchable only by keyword/title. No fulltext search is provided. The scans are of high quality. All book scans are free to download as PDF file.
- Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books 『東洋文庫所蔵』貴重書デジタルアーカイブ Digital archive (image database) of basic references on Silk Road, including 245 rare books (82 authors : 72,591 pages) by the digitization of whole books from cover to cover.
- East Asia Digital Library EADL is a partnership between the National Library of Korea and the National Diet Library of Japan. EADL has two types of digital resources.One is bibliographic data of digitized old books provided by participating institutions. You can explore scanned images of originals through each library’s search service.The Other is thematic digital collections selected by each participating institution. You can view scanned images of originals through EADL Digital Collection menu.
- Hyakugo Archives 東寺百合文書 東寺百合文書 (Toji Hyakugo Monjo) refers to a collection of medieval Japanese documents originally preserved at Toji, a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. The huge collection comprises nearly 25,000 documents spanning roughly 1,000 years, from the 8th to 18th centuries. The bulk of the collection dates from the 14th and 15th centuries.
- Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) Japanese government archives, Including: The National Archives of Japan, Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Institute for Defense Studies of the Ministry of Defense.
- Japan Search Find digital archives in Japan. User guide: https://jpsearch.go.jp/userguide
- National Diet Library Digital Collections 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション The NDL Digital Collections enables a user to search and view a variety of resources, collected and stored by the National Diet Library of Japan.
- World and Japan database project The World and Japan database project consists of four under construction databases funded by grants-in-aid from Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (Monbukagakusho) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Nihongakujutsushinkoukai). Interface in English, Japanese, Chinese and content in English and Japanese.
- Electronic journal of contemporary Japanese studies Publishes research on Japanese society, culture, economics, media, and politics, as well as reviews of other published works on Japan.
- National Diet Library Digital Collections Including books, periodicals, rare books and old material, doctoral dissertations, official gazettes, newspapers, modern Japanese political history materials, material on the Allied occupation of Japan, Prange collection, historical recordings, science film, and other resources.
- Chinese- Japanese- Korean- Vietnamese- English Dictionary 中日韓越辭典 CJKV Dict (中日韓越辭典) is a smart multilingual dictionary for learners of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. It returns results in Chinese characters (漢字, called "Hànzì" in Mandarin Chinese, "Kanji" in Japanese, "Hanja" in Korean and "Hán tự" in Vietnamese) in all four languages, and automatically converts simplified Chinese characters and simplified Kanji (Shinjitai) to traditional Chinese characters.
- CHISE IDS 漢字検索 This extensive Japanese-language website, designed for graph component analyses, also features images of graphic forms from a huge number of stone carvings (拓本文字), including both single graphs and compounds. Character data, full graph component analyses (including variant forms), and component maps are also provided, as well as an array of links to other graphs and graphic forms. Searches can be made in traditional or simplified Chinese characters (though they return different results), or Japanese kanji. (c) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/9213
- JAANUS: Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System JAANUS is the on-line Dictionary of Japanese Architectural and Art Historical Terminology compiled by Dr. Mary Neighbour Parent.
- Jisho: Japanese-English dictionary Jisho is a powerful Japanese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji, example sentences and more quickly and easily. Enter any Japanese text or English word in the search box and Jisho will search a myriad of data for you.
- Kenkyusha Online Dictionary Registration required. See Quick Guide: https://kod.kenkyusha.co.jp/service/faq/quick.jsp
- WWWJDIC Japanese Dictionary Server This server is intended for people who have studied some Japanese and who can read at least kana. There is no display of romanized Japanese.
- Database of Historical Maps in the Yokohama City University Collection 横浜市立大学所蔵の古地図データベース The Database of Historical Maps in the Yokohama City University Collection, developed by Professor Matsumoto Ikuyo, is now online. These maps are from the Ayusawa Shintarō collection, date mainly from the Edo - Meiji periods, and include world maps, maps of Japan, and maps reflecting a Buddhist worldview.
- Exploring Premodern Japan through Video - project site NCC Japanese Studies Spotlight; a Collaborative Project at the University of British Columbia
- Japan Center for Asian Historical Records JACAR is a digital database testifying to Japan's historical relations in Asia as well as elsewhere. This site provides access to official documents of the Japanese Cabinet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Army and Navy. In an effort to share history as it has been documented, JACAR's archives showcase the original records, including full images of the documents, all in digitized form, on an unprecedented scale.
- Database of collectors seals 蔵書印データベース The database of collectors seals of the National Institute of Japanese Literature contains more than 20.000 records of collectors of Japanese literature. Additionally it includes almost 9000 pictures. It is not only possible to confirm readings of stamps, the identity of the collectors and the span of their collections, but also stamps from bookshops and book lenders have been included, making it possible to trace the trade of historical books and documents during the early modern, the Meiji, Taisho and early Showa period, even up until modern day.
- East Asian Scroll Paintings University of Chicago Center for Art of East Asia. Handscroll paintings, painted horizontally on pieces of silk or sheets of paper and mounted as scrolls, are a major type of traditional East Asian painting, distinctive in their format and method of viewing. Because of the rare and fragile nature of these paintings, however, they are rarely shown. They cannot be handled by the public or exposed to light for extended periods in exhibitions. Therefore our center created this interactive site to simulate the experience of viewing handscrolls in ways that published photographs in books and projected slides cannot and to make them more widely accessible for teaching and research.
- The World of the Japanese Illustrated Book - The Gerhard Pulverer Collection The Pulverer Collection, acquired in its entirety by the Freer Gallery of Art in 2007, includes numerous rare and pristine examples of Japanese illustrated books produced in the Edo period and beyond. For more than thirty years Dr. Gerhard Pulverer, a renowned medical researcher in Germany, and his wife Rosemarie traveled the world and assembled the collection. Their holdings of more than 900 titles encompass almost 2,200 volumes that range in date from the early seventeenth century to the 1970s. Today the Pulverer Collection is regarded as one of the most outstanding and comprehensive collections of Japanese illustrated books outside Japan.
- JAANUS: Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System JAANUS is the on-line Dictionary of Japanese Architectural and Art Historical Terminology compiled by Dr. Mary Neighbour Parent.
- Petzold Scrolls Collection The collection including 424 scrolls was acquired from the family of Bruno Petzold (1873-1949) in 1951. Most images are on Japanese Buddhism reflecting Petzold’s interest as a Tendai Buddhist ( 天台仏教徒 ). The library had digitized them all in 2012 with an individual library catalog.
- Tani Buncho Manuscript Database 谷文晁派(写山楼)粉本・模本資料データベース Database of copies of East Asian paintings by the influential painter Tani Buncho from the late 18th century.
- Cultural Japan - historical maps Containing nearly 6,000 historical maps of Japan
- Database of Historical Maps in the Yokohama City University Collection 横浜市立大学所蔵の古地図データベース The Database of Historical Maps in the Yokohama City University Collection, developed by Professor Matsumoto Ikuyo, is now online. These maps are from the Ayusawa Shintarō collection, date mainly from the Edo - Meiji periods, and include world maps, maps of Japan, and maps reflecting a Buddhist worldview.
- Digital Maps 数字地圖 Digital maps overing China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Vietnam
- Japan Dataverse From Harvard Dataverse - Skinner Regional Systems Analysis
- Japanese Maps This collection draws on cartographic materials from the University of Manchester Library Japanese Collection and the Maps Collection. It holds roughly 60 items: mostly maps, charts and atlases, and a limited number of material classified as chishi, or topography (encyclopaedias, guidebooks, prints, surveys) that include maps or are otherwise related to cartography. The vast majority of items in the collection are printed, and they were produced in Japan during the Tokugawa or Edo period (1603-1868), with some exceptions, such as a Japanese tourist map of Japan published in 1897, and some maps of Japan published in Britain between the end of the eighteenth century and the end of the nineteenth century.
- Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature 臺南大學日治時代日文珍本數位典藏計畫 The Digital Archive of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature of the National University of Tainan compromises 58 digitized books and 929 images from the Japanese colonial era on Taiwan. The scans (books and images) are searchable only by keyword/title. No fulltext search is provided. The scans are of high quality. All book scans are free to download as PDF file.
- Denkōroku Record of the Transmission of Illumination, together with Dogen Zenji's Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye)
- Dharma Eye Biannual newsletter of Soto Zen Buddhism International Center
- SAT Daizōkyō Text Database 大正新脩大藏經 Full text of 85 volumes of Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō (大正新脩大藏經) one of the most important editions of the Chinese Buddhist Canon and its Japanese commentaries used by scholars in the 20th century.
- 1850s-1870s Japan Travel narratives, photography and treaty ports
Korean studies
- Digital Maps 数字地圖 Digital maps overing China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Vietnam
- Digital Library of Korean Literature Sign up for a membership and gain free access to e-books and receive monthly email newsletters delivering the latest news on Korean.
- East Asia Digital Library EADL is a partnership between the National Library of Korea and the National Diet Library of Japan. EADL has two types of digital resources.One is bibliographic data of digitized old books provided by participating institutions. You can explore scanned images of originals through each library’s search service.The Other is thematic digital collections selected by each participating institution. You can view scanned images of originals through EADL Digital Collection menu.
- BIG KINDS (Korea Integrated News Database System) 뉴스라이브러리 The most comprehensive full-text archive (1990-current) for Korean news, operated by the Korea Press Foundation. Covering national, local, internet and industry newspapers, magazines, and TB reports since 1990. These are fully searchable and available in full-text oline. Four major daily newspapers - Kyönghyang, Tonga, Söul, and Han'guk (1960 to 1989) are provided in PDF format, as are two newspapers dating from the period of Japanese rule - Tongnip sinmun and Taehan Maaeil Sinbo.
- Chosŏn (Chosun) ilbo 조선일보 (English) Current Korean news. Archive content in Library database Chosun Ilbo Archive.
- Chosŏn (Chosun) ilbo 조선일보 (Korean) Current Korean news. Archive content in Library database Chosun Ilbo Archive.
- Chungang (Joongang) ilbo 중앙일보 (English) Current Korean news in Korean and English. Articles from year 2000 onwards are available in the Library database Factiva.
- Chungang (Joongang) ilbo 중앙일보 (Korean) Current Korean news in Korean and English. Articles from year 2000 onwards are available in the Library database Factiva.
- Government News Service 정책브리핑 Provides government press releases and information about government publications.
- Han’guk (Hankook) ilbo 한국일보 Current Korean news in Korean
- Han’gyŏre (Han Kyore) sinmun 한겨레신문 (English) Current Korean news in English
- Han’gyŏre (Han Kyore) sinmun 한겨레신문 (Korean) Current Korean news in Korean
- Korea Herald 코리아헤럴드 Korean news in English. Only current news is provided on the website. Content from 1 August 1998 onwards are available from the Library database LexisNexis.
- Korean News 조선중앙통신 Daily news in Korean and English from the Korean Central News Agency of the DPRK, operated by the Korea News Service in Tokyo. Past news articiles since 1998 are available. A summary of Nodong Sinmun is also provided. Past summaries are archived since November 2002.
- Korea Times 코리아타임즈 Korean news in English. Articles from November 2002 are available as PDF files on the newspaper website for free. Also available via the Library database Factiva (March 3, 1998 onwards).
- KTV 국가기록영상관 (KTV 영상홍보원) Taehan News, films, and voice recordings from government documentaries. Coverage from the 1950s to the 1990s. An integrated search option is available.
- Kyŏnghyang (Kyunghyang) sinmun 경향신문 Current Korean news in Korean
- National Institute of Korean History -- Newspapers 국사편찬위원회 Several historical Korean newspapers.
- National Institute of Korean History -- Newspapers 국사편찬위원회(한국근현대신문자료) NIKH provides image reproductions of a number of historical Korean newspapers which may be browsed by date.
- Naver News Library Naver News Library 네이버 뉴스라이브러리 東亞日報, 京鄕新聞, 每日經濟新聞, 韩係來新聞 Naver is NHN's renowned search engine and portal service, which accounts for approximately 70% of searches performded in Korea. Naver News Library provides high-quality news archive services for four major newspapers in Korea (Dong-A Ilbo, Kyunghyang Shinmun, Maeil Business Newspaper, Hankyoreh). Integrating extensive metadata information, the database enables users to perform searches in a wide range of categories according to subjects and document types. The platform offers powerfull viewer software that allows users to engage in experience very similar to reading the original newspapers.
- People's Korea 조선신보 Daily newspaper published by the Korea News Service in Tokyo in Korean, Japanese and English.
- Taehan Min'guk sinmun archive 대한민국신문아카이브 (국립중앙도서관) Contains about 2 million newsapaper articles from 70 old newspaper titles which were published up to 1950, maintained by the National Library of Korea. It is searchable by newspaper title and article title, and provides annotations for each newspaper title.
- Tonga (Donga) ilbo 동아일보 (English) Current Korean news in Korean and English. Archive content in Library database Dang-A Ilbo.
- Tonga (Donga) ilbo 동아일보 (Korean) Current Korean news in Korean and English. Archive content in Library database Dang-A Ilbo.
- Korean History: A Bibliography Compiled by Kenneth R. Robinson. It covers many features of Korean history. The subjects include not only political, diplomatic, and economic history, but also historical linguistics, art history, literature, philosophy and religion, and overseas Koreans, for example. Chronologically, coverage concludes in the 1960s. I have not sought to compile a comprehensive list for each subject. Rather, I have provided publications that have appeared since the publication in 1980 of the annotated bibliography Studies on Korea: A Scholar's Guide and recent publications not cited in that work. This bibliography, then, is both an updating of and a supplement to that venerable reference.
- National Institute of Korean History -- Newspapers 국사편찬위원회 Several historical Korean newspapers.
- Directory of Open Access Repositories -- South Korea Links to 40 institutional repositories in South Korea
- Chinese-Japanese-Korean-Vietnamese-English Dictionary 中日韓越辭典 CJKV Dict (中日韓越辭典) is a smart multilingual dictionary for learners of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. It returns results in Chinese characters (漢字, called "Hànzì" in Mandarin Chinese, "Kanji" in Japanese, "Hanja" in Korean and "Hán tự" in Vietnamese) in all four languages, and automatically converts simplified Chinese characters and simplified Kanji (Shinjitai) to traditional Chinese characters.
- Digital Library of Korean Literature As the world’s only multilingual archive of Korean literature and related contents, the LTI Korea Library provides various types of resources from all over the world, including e-books and bibliographic information on translated Korean works, as well as introductory materials on Korean writers, and overseas press releases. The Library, with its collection of translated Korean works across 41 languages, journals and magazines of Korean literature, dictionaries, and DVDs, is open to translators, academics, researchers, students of the Translation Academy, and the general public.
- Korean History: A Bibliography Compiled by Kenneth R. Robinson. It covers many features of Korean history. The subjects include not only political, diplomatic, and economic history, but also historical linguistics, art history, literature, philosophy and religion, and overseas Koreans, for example. Chronologically, coverage concludes in the 1960s. I have not sought to compile a comprehensive list for each subject. Rather, I have provided publications that have appeared since the publication in 1980 of the annotated bibliography Studies on Korea: A Scholar's Guide and recent publications not cited in that work. This bibliography, then, is both an updating of and a supplement to that venerable reference.
- Korea Collection at SOAS, University of London The digital collection currently is limited to a treasure of the collection, the Procession or Korean Ambassadors, a hand painted scroll from circa 1650.
- East Asian Scroll Paintings University of Chicago Center for Art of East Asia. Handscroll paintings, painted horizontally on pieces of silk or sheets of paper and mounted as scrolls, are a major type of traditional East Asian painting, distinctive in their format and method of viewing. Because of the rare and fragile nature of these paintings, however, they are rarely shown. They cannot be handled by the public or exposed to light for extended periods in exhibitions. Therefore our center created this interactive site to simulate the experience of viewing handscrolls in ways that published photographs in books and projected slides cannot and to make them more widely accessible for teaching and research.
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