Disability Studies

Welcome to the Disability Studies Subject Guide - giving you information on library resources and services.

Main Library

The Main Library Entrance on George Square

The Main Library entrance on George Square

The Main Library holds the majority of books for Disability Studies. Most of the books in the Main Library are on the 2nd floor or in the HUB (High Use Book) Collection on the ground floor.

The most common shelfmark for Disability Studies starts with:

HV Social Pathology, Social and Public Welfare etc

Remember the Library has access to thousands of e-books which you can access via DiscoverEd.

Finding Library Resources - DiscoverEd


Use DiscoverEd to find books, ebooks, journals, ejournals and more. Sign into your Library account using your University Login to manage your loans and requests.

DiscoverEd Help FAQs

Disability Studies Databases

Screenshot of Disability in the Modern World

Disability Studies Online Resources


Resource Lists and Subject Guides

Resource List service logo. Teal background, white outline of a book which is lying open is shown. The word 'Resource lists' are written below, also in white.Resource Lists are online reading lists that can signpost you to key reading materials. Some of your courses may have a Resource List embedded in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) but you can also access them directly. Full details are available on the Resource Lists: Information for Students webpage.

Subject Guides from other disciplines can be a useful source of ideas and information. Some focus on a topic such as newspapers as well as others that are more subject specific e.g. Business, Medicine economics etc. A full list of subject guides is available on the university website. You can also contact the Academic Support Librarian for different subject areas if you would like more support or to discuss the content of these guides.

Feedback and Contact us

Two tiles with faces, arms and legs are holding picket signs. One shows a thumbs up and one a thumbs down. We'd love to hear any suggestions you have for this or any of our other EDI focused content. If you know of books, articles, videos or podcasts you think we should add to our guides, let us know! You can contribute to our Padlet here.

If you'd like to speak to us directly about anything mentioned in this toolkit or you'd like to be involved in helping us review or test future resources before they go live, you can find the Academic Support Librarian for your subject area via the links on this page:

ASL by subject area

Alternatively you can email our team using the following link which will direct your call to our Unidesk mailbox. One of our colleagues from the EDI working group will pick up the call from there and get back to you:


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