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Library Collections for Ecumenical dialogue
Books relating to ecumenical dialogue will be found at a variety of locations in New College Library and the Main Library – check for titles on DiscoverEd.
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Books for Ecumenical Dialogue
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Ecumenical Dynamic by "There is restore the word 'ecumenical' to proper and positive use....The story, past and to the present, needs to be told...." -- from the Preface *** Ecumenical Dynamic probes the meaning and history of the open-hearted Christian commitment we call ecumenism. Ranging across a century of active Christian engagement, historical theologian Keith Clements finds in the ecumenical movement a radical openness that has served to enliven, sustain, and renew Christianity through tumultuous times. Indeed, in the itch to encounter and learn from others very different from ourselves, to "live in more than one place at once," Clements identifies a core element in ecumenical Christian spirituality that is perhaps more relevant today than ever before. *** "Deeply insightful and filled with fascinating and perceptive glimpses into the persons, movements, and achievements of recent Christianity, Ecumenical Dynamic is also a cry for Christian commitment that looks beyond the merely individualistic, therapeutic, and narrow temptations in contemporary Christianity to a new and engaged future." - Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches~
ISBN: 9782825415962Ecumenism Today by What is Ecumenism? Is Christian unity a legitimate hope or just a pious illusion? The aim of this book is to analyze the real obstacles that stand in the path to unity and to propose solutions, where these are possible. Distinguished authors from the main Christian denominations offer a unique insight into the problem of Christian divisions and the relationships between Christian communities. This work is not a politically correct exercise in diplomacy; rather, it informs the reader about the actual state of the ecumenical dialogue.
ISBN: 9780754659617Harvesting the Fruits: Basic Aspects of Christian Faith in Ecumenical Dialogue by The Second Vatican Council declared the restoration of unity among Christians to be one of its principal concerns. Division among the Churches scandalises the worldand damages that most holy cause, the preaching of The Gospel to every creature. A key figure to have worked tirelessly at these aims is Cardinal Walter Kasper, one of the most experienced, authoritative, and respected members of the Vatican hierarchy. HereCardinal Kasper summarises the results of the Catholic Church's official dialogues with Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican and Methodist Churches over forty years, sets out a blueprint for 'consensus and convergence', and sets out a map for the way forward for ecumenism. From such a source, this document is therefore of crucial importance. The book focuses on the major issues in ecumenical dialogue - Jesus Christ, The Holy Trinity, Justification, The Church and The Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.Cardinal Kasper explains the key issues at stake and offers signposts for the way forward so that the wish of Jesus may be fulfilled: That They May AllBe One."
ISBN: 1282873466The hint half guessed : mission, ecumenism and other holy things by
Call Number: BX9.5.M5 Hul.ISBN: 9780948785078
Heritage Collections at the University of Edinburgh
Hutchison, William O, Sir (b.1889, d.1970). Portrait of John Baillie, 1958. EU0403
Papers of Professor John Baillie, and Baillie Family Papers (University of Edinburgh Heritage Collections, BAI)
John Baillie was elected as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and became Dean of the Faculty of Divinity at Edinburgh in 1950. As part of the ecumenical movement, John Baillie was member of both the British Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches; he became a President of the latter.
Find academic literature on Ecumenical dialogue
- Atla Religion database with ATLA serialsA comprehensive reference database designed to support religious and theological scholarship including the integration of the Atla Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
- The Global Digital Library on Theology & EcumenismDocuments and special collections on ecumenical, intercultural and contextual theologies, theological education, world Christianity, and interreligious studies, regularly receiving updates from the Index Theologicus, International Bibliography of Theology and Religious Studies.
- Twentieth-Century Religious Thought : ChristianityTwentieth Century Religious Thought: Christianity is a multivolume, cross-searchable online collection that brings together the seminal works and archival materials related to key worldwide religious thinkers from the early 1900s until the turn of the 21st century.
- World Council of Churches - ResourcesCollection of resources for the worldwide fellowship of churches, including prayers, publications, documents and more.
Journals for Ecumenical dialogue
Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic journals in this area. These include:
- Communio ViatorumCall Number: Per C, Online
- The Ecumenical ReviewCall Number: Online
- Exchange (Leiden, Netherlands)Call Number: Online
- Journal of Ecumenical StudiesCall Number: Online
- Review of Ecumenical StudiesCall Number: Online
New College Library Special Collections for Ecumenical Dialogue
Papers of Rev J.H. Oldham (New College Library GD2)
Rev. Joseph Houldsworth Oldham (1874–1969) was a New College alumnus whose international missionary and ecumenical work laid the foundations for the World Council of Churches.
Papers of Rev Tom Allan (1916-1965) (New College Library AA6)
Working as a minister and evangelist for the Church of Scotland, Rev Tom Allan led the ‘Tell Scotland’ campaign in the 1950s. He attended the WCC conference in 1963 and preserved the materials in his papers.
World Council of Churches Sixth Assembly Papers (New College Library MS Wor 2)
These papers were given to the New College Library Archives by Rev. Prof. Duncan Forrester (1933-2016), who attended the WCC Assembly in 1983. Rev. Prof. Duncan Forrester was a missionary, minister and Professor at New College who served on the WCC Commission on Faith and Order between 1983-1996.
To arrange to consult New College Special Collections and archives, please email:
Books for Ecumenical dialogue
Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic books.These include:
Councils of Churches and the Ecumenical Vision by The Ecumenical Movement of the 20th century saw the formation all around the world of voluntary associations of separated and autonomous Christian churches in a defined geographical area which have sought to manifest their fellowship with one another, engage in common witness and service, and advance towards the goal of visible unity. At the dawn of the 21st century, many of these councils of churches face difficult times. This lively introduction describes the history and theological basis of these bodies, notes the tensions often arising within them and discusses three specific contemporary challenges: the proposal that ecumenical organisations should expand to become inter-religious bodies, the development of ecumenical leadership, and the relationship between spirituality and ecumenism. This book is about councils of churches and the people who are part of them. How do councils look when they correspond to the ecumenical vision? What qualities are desirable in volunteer and professional ecumenical leaders? What are the spiritual marks and fruits of ecumenical commitment? In what ways should councils address the relationship between Christian churches and people of other faiths? Here is a book that will help in the ongoing process of calling Christians to reframe their picture. Shared life is the norm. Division demands explanation. A unique resource for anyone interested in ecumenism.
ISBN: 9782825413241Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement by The 700 entries in this dictionary have been written by leading figures in the ecumenical movement from all parts of the world. Entries are fully cross-referenced and many of the articles are enhanced by short bibliographies. Entries cover: faith and order; dialogue; mission and evangelism; communication; church and society; theological education; institutional histories; and relations of Orthodox, Protestants and Roman Catholics within the ecumenical movement. Biographical sketches outline the contributions of some of the individuals who have furthered the cause of ecumenism in the 20th century. Cross-references direct the reader to more detailed information or to matters of related interest.
ISBN: 2825413542Ecumenical Perspectives Five Hundred Years after Luther's Reformation by This book offers ecumenical essays that focus on Reformation Christianity and on current Lutheran-Catholic understandings and relationships. It addresses important issues, including the meaning of the Reformation, the reception of Luther in Germany and beyond, contemporary ecumenical dialogues, and pathways to the future. There is also some inclusion of Jewish and Orthodox traditions as well as attention to global issues. Taken as a whole, the primary method of this book is theology informed by history, hermeneutics, ethics, and social theory. Within the structure of the book can be found the classic hermeneutical circle: What was the meaning of the Reformation for Luther in his own time? What are various ways in which Luther and the Reformation have been interpreted in history? How does knowledge of these things help us today to understand the Reformation and to move forward?
ISBN: 3030683591A History of the Desire for Christian Unity, Volume 1 by A History of the Desire for Christian Unity is a multi-volume reference work on the history of ecumenism. The ecumenical movement is understood as a twentieth-century movement of European origin with a global reach. This reference work is a reconstruction of the arc of time in which the Christian churches transitioned from a position of hostility to one of dialogue, and from separation to forms of communion. Scholars across the continents and disciplines explore a history of individuals and groups, generations and assemblies, documents and programs, theologies and practices, all firmly placed within the framework of a desire for unity. This first volume traces the long-term roots and reconstructs the historical, theological, and political junctures that marked the beginning of a distinctive movement that runs throughout the nineteenth and into the heart of the twentieth century.
ISBN: 9789004446694The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies by
ISBN: 0191036447
Data sources
- Finding data : Research Data ServiceFind data freely available on the internet or through University of Edinburgh subscriptions.
- World Christian DatabaseThe World Christian Database provides comprehensive statistical information on world religions, Christian denominations, and people groups.