The Church in Scotland

Guide to resources for study and research into Christian denominations in Scotland

Library Collections for Ecumenical dialogue

Books relating to ecumenical dialogue will be found at a variety of locations in New College Library and the Main Library – check for titles on DiscoverEd

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  • BX (Christian denominations) especially BX 1-9.5 (Church unity,  Ecumenical movement)

Books for Ecumenical Dialogue

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Heritage Collections at the University of Edinburgh

Portrait of John Baillie

Hutchison, William O, Sir (b.1889, d.1970). Portrait of John Baillie, 1958. EU0403

Papers of Professor John Baillie, and Baillie Family Papers (University of Edinburgh Heritage Collections, BAI)

John Baillie was elected as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and became Dean of the Faculty of Divinity at Edinburgh in 1950. As part of the ecumenical movement, John Baillie was member of both the British Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches; he became a President of the latter.

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Journals for Ecumenical dialogue

Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic journals in this area. These include:

New College Library Special Collections for Ecumenical Dialogue


Papers of Rev J.H. Oldham (New College Library GD2)

Rev. Joseph Houldsworth Oldham (1874–1969) was a New College alumnus whose international missionary and ecumenical work laid the foundations for the World Council of Churches.

Papers of Rev Tom Allan (1916-1965) (New College Library AA6)

Working as a minister and evangelist for the Church of Scotland, Rev Tom Allan led the ‘Tell Scotland’ campaign in the 1950s. He attended the WCC conference in 1963 and preserved the materials in his papers.

 World Council of Churches Sixth Assembly Papers (New College Library MS Wor 2)

These papers were given to the New College Library Archives by Rev. Prof. Duncan Forrester (1933-2016), who attended the WCC Assembly in 1983. Rev. Prof. Duncan Forrester was a missionary, minister and Professor at New College who served on the WCC Commission on Faith and Order between 1983-1996.

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Books for Ecumenical dialogue

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