The Church in Scotland
Guide to resources for study and research into Christian denominations in Scotland
Library resources for the Catholic Church
Library resources relating to the Catholic Church will be found throughout in New College Library and the Main Library – check DiscoverEd.
Try browsing in :
- BR (Christianity)
- BT (Doctrinal Theology)
- BV (Practical Theology)
- BX (Christian denominations) especially BX 800-4799
Books about the Catholic Church
Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic books about the Catholic Church. These include:
A Companion to Catholicism and Recusancy in Britain and Ireland by A Companion to Catholicism and Recusancy in Britain and Ireland is an edited collection of nineteen essays written by a range of experts and some newer scholars in the areas of early modern British and Irish history and religion. In addition to English Catholicism, developments in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, as well as ongoing connections and interactions with Continental Catholicism, are well incorporated throughout the volume. Many currents of the latest scholarship are addressed and advanced, including religious minorities and exiles, women and gender studies, literary and material culture, religious identity construction, and, within Catholic studies, the role of laity as well as clergy, and of female as well as male religious. In all, these essays significantly advance the movement of early modern British and Irish Catholicism from the historiographical margins to an evolving, but ultimately more capacious and accurate, historical mainstream.
ISBN: 9789004151611Creating a Scottish Church : Scotland’s Catholic Church before emancipation by This book highlights how the Catholic population participated in the extension of citizenship in Scotland and considers Catholicism's transition from an underground and isolated church to a multi-faceted institution by taking a critical look at gender, ethnicity and class. It prioritises the role of women in the transformation and modernization of Catholic culture and represents a radical departure from the traditional perception of the church as an institution on the fringes of Scotland's religious and civic landscape. It examines how Catholicism participated in constructions of national identity and civic society. Industrialisation, urbanisation, and Irish migration forced Catholics and non-Catholics to reappraise Catholicism's position in Scotland and in turn Scotland's position in England. Using previously unseen archival material from private church and convent collections, it reveals how the construction of a Catholic social welfare system and associational culture helped to secure a civil society and national identity that was distinctively Scottish.
Kind Neighbours: Scottish Saints and Society in the Later Middle Ages by In Kind Neighbours Tom Turpie explores devotion to Scottish saints and their shrines in the later middle ages. He provides fresh insight into the role played by these saints in the legal and historical arguments for Scottish independence, and the process by which first Andrew, and later Ninian, were embraced as patron saints of the Scots. Kind Neighbours also explains the appeal of the most popular Scottish saints of the period and explores the relationship between regional shrines and the Scottish monarchy. Rejecting traditional interpretations based around church-led patriotism or crown patronage, Turpie draws on a wide range of sources to explain how religious, political and environmental changes in the later middle ages shaped devotion to the saints in Scotland.
Calendar of Scottish supplications to Rome
ISBN: 9780902054608
Other Research Resources
- Catholic HeritageCatholic Heritage is the website for the Networking Archives and Libraries in the Catholic Church (NALCC) project. It includes the catalogues of the Scottish Catholic Archives.
- Catholic Bishop's Conference of ScotlandThe Bishops' Conference of Scotland is the forum in which the Roman Catholic Bishops in Scotland work together. Includes information and resources about the Catholic Church in Scotland.
Searching the Literature about the Catholic Church
- Acta SanctorumThe Acta Sanctorum Database is an electronic version of the complete printed text of Acta Sanctorum, a collection of documents examining the lives of saints, organised according to each saint's feast day, and runs from the two January volumes published in 1643 to the Propylaeum to December published in 1940.
- Atla Religion database with ATLA serialsA comprehensive reference database designed to support religious and theological scholarship including the integration of the Atla Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
- Jesuit Online BibliographyA free searchable collection of Jesuit Studies scholarship.
- Theology & Religion Online - Library of Catholic ThoughtThe Library of Catholic Thought includes the new fully revised third edition of the Jerome Biblical Commentary. This features a preface by Pope Francis and is digitally exclusive to the Library of Catholic Thought.
- Twentieth Century Religious Thought - ChristianityTwentieth Century Religious Thought: Christianity is a multivolume, cross-searchable online collection that brings together the seminal works and archival materials related to key worldwide religious thinkers from the early 1900s until the turn of the 21st century.
- Ut per litteras apostolicas = Papal letters = Lettres pontificales.The electronic version of the Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siècle (32 vols.; Rome, 1883- ) and the Registres et lettres des Papes du XIV e siècle (48 vols.; Rome, 1899- )
Journals about the Catholic Church
Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic journals. These include:
- GregorianumCall Number: Online
- The Innes ReviewCall Number: Per I
- Journal of Catholic Social ThoughtCall Number: Online
- LogosCall Number: Online
- Recusant HistoryCall Number: Online
- Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique.Call Number: Online
- Scottish Church HistoryCall Number: Per C
- The TabletCall Number: Online
Heritage Collections at the University of Edinburgh
Book of Hours, MS 44 f.107r
The Heritage Collections teams preserve, provide access to and interpret the heritage collections looked after by the University.
The Centre for Research Collections (CRC) is the main space for anyone using the University of Edinburgh's heritage collections including rare books and manuscripts, University of Edinburgh archives, personal and institutional archives, Lothian Health Services Archives, University of Edinburgh PhD theses, art collection, musical instrument collection and more.
The CRC is located on the 6th floor, Main Library.
Reference books about the Catholic Church
Search DiscoverEd to find print and electronic reference books, or browse the shelves in the New College Library Hall. These include:
Catechism of the Catholic Church by
ISBN: 0225668688Catholic Directory for Scotland
Call Number: (REFERENCE) ; Ref BX1497 Cat.Encyclical letter Laudato si' of the Holy Father Francis : On care for our common home.
Call Number: (RESERVE) ; GE42 Cat.The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality by The years 1987 and 1990 saw the publication of two unprecedented and immediately popular reference works, The New Dictionary of Theologyand The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship. The present work, The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, edited by Michael Downey, is intended as a companion to these, with a parallel aim and purpose. The NDCSis a collaborative attempt to take stock of the remarkable developments in the Church and the world since the Second Vatican Council, but with a specific focus on the reform and renewal of Catholic spirituality that the Council set in motion. The dictionary is intended to serve as a reliable theological and pastoral resource, not just for experts, but for all those interested in spirituality: teachers at all levels, writers, preachers, and students. In addition to the over 500 entries, the dictionary includes alphabetical and topical indices, cross-referencing, and running heads al in a durable binding. Entries include: Prayerby John H. Wright, SJ Graceby Roger Haight, SJ Experienceby Tad Dunne Praxisby Rebecca S. Chopp Sacraments by David N. Power, OMI Faithby Mary Ann Fatula, OP Hopeby Monika K. Hellwig Loveby Elizabeth Dreyer Virtueby Paul J. Wadell, CP Discernment of Spiritsby Michael J. Buckley, SJ History of Christian Spiritualityby Richard Woods, OPWestern Medieval Spiritualityby Walter H. Principe, CSB Feminist Spiritualityby Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM Early Christian Spiritualityby Daniel J. Harrington, SJ Patristic Spirituality by David G. Hunter Reformation and Catholic Reformation Spiritualtiesby John W. O'Malley, SJ Modern Spiritualityby Thomas F. McKenna, CM Contemporary Spirituality by James J. Bacik Apostolic Spiritualityby Mary Milligan, RSHM Benedictine Spiritualityby Terrence G. Kardong, OSB Cistercian Spiritualityby Michael Casey, OCSO Franciscan Spiritualityby Michael Blastic, OFM Conv Dominican Spiritualityby Ronald J. Zawilla Ignatian Spiritualityby Harvey D. Egan, SJ Lay Spiritualityby Edward C. Sellner Trinitarian Spiritualityby Catherine M. LaCugna and Michael Downey Christian Spiritualityby Walter H. Principe, CSB
Call Number: (REFERENCE) ; Ref. BX2350.65 New.ISBN: 0814655254The Oxford Dictionary of Saints by Praised as "splendid" (The Economist) and "the kind of book that gives hagiography a good name" (The Times), this entertaining and authoritative dictionary breathes life into its subjects and is as browsable as it is informative. First published in 1978, the Oxford Dictionary of Saints offers more than 1,700 fascinating and informative entries covering the lives, cults, and artistic associations of saints from around the world. Ranging from the famous to the obscure, the rich to the poor, and the academic to the uneducated, the saints profiled here come from all walks of life, from all periods of history, and from around the world, reflecting a wide variety of personalities and achievements. This revised fifth edition includes appendices containing maps of pilgrimage sites, a list of saints' patronages and iconographical emblems, and a calendar of principal feasts.
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 9780199596607
Digital text collections
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae First time users will be asked to register. Subsequent access requires both the University network access and the login you created. The register/login link is located at the top right corner of the TLG website.