Translation Studies

This guide provides a general introduction to Library and information resources available in Edinburgh for Translation Studies.


Main collections

The Main Library holds the majority of physical collections for Translation Studies

Books relating to Translation Studies are mostly classified under P306 (e.g. P306 Jam.) which are located on the 2nd floor.

Reference works (such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias and bibliographies) and DVDs are classified in the LC scheme and interfiled with the general LC lending stock on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

Bound, printed journals are located on the 4th floor. Back runs of some journals are stored in the University Collections Facility (UCF). Information on how to request material from UCF can be found in the list of useful links below.

Manuscripts, rare books and archives are held in the Centre for Research Collections (CRC). See information about CRC below.

Printed exam papers up to academic year 2004/2005 are stored in the University Collections Facility and can be requested from there. Information on how to request material from UCF can be found in the list of useful links below. However, the majority of degree examination papers from the following academic years are available online:

Other useful links:

HUB Collection

The High Use Books (HUB) collection, located on the ground floor of the Main Library, consists of HUB Reserve (3 hour loan) and HUB Short Loan (7 day loan) books as well as offprints (photo copies of course reading material).

Course books on Reserve and Short Loan for Translation Studies are located in this collection.

Centre for Research Collections

The Centre for Research Collections (CRC) houses the University Library’s Special Collections which include historical books, manuscripts, archives and microfilms that English Literature researchers and students may find useful. The main CRC facilities are on the 6th floor of the Main Library.

Exam Papers


Exam Papers Online provides access to the collected degree examination papers of the University from 2004 onwards. They may be used by students as a study aid only.

The Library Subject Guide for Exams and Revision provides advice on how to get the most out of the Library and other University support for revising for and taking exams:

Library journals on translation studies

To retrieve a comprehensive list of the Library journals on translation studies, in print or electronic, you can perform advanced search in DiscoverEd by using trauncated words translat* OR interpret* as subject headings and select 'Journals' for Material Type, as the following screenshot shows:


Or just click here to run the search and retrieve the list.

Selected list of Translation Studies journals:

Subject terms for DiscoverEd search

Try using the following terms as 'subject' in DiscoverEd Advanced search (see differrence in the number of search results betwen 'contains' and 'is exact') . After retrieving the search results, you can further refine the results by the filter menu on the left side (by date, language, subject, resource type, etc.)