Translation Studies
This guide provides a general introduction to Library and information resources available in Edinburgh for Translation Studies.
Internet resources
As differentiated from our Library licensed databases, the internet resources recommended in the three broad subject sections below are mostly free to access. In some cases users may be required to register or create an account. Every effort has been made by the Academic Support Librarian to ensure that the website content is suitable for academic study, but it is the user's own responsibility to check the authority, currency and accuracy of content.
- American Literary Translators AssociationA placee to look for conferences, grants, awards. The site is currently under redevelopment.
- ESIST - European Association for Studies in Screen Translation ESIST promotes audiovisual translation in all its forms, including media accessibility, through international cooperation and collaboration.
- Index Translationum - World Bibliography of Translation The Index Translationum is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations. The Index Translationum was created in 1932. The database contains cumulative bibliographical information on books translated and published in about one hundred of the UNESCO Member States between 1979 and 2009 and totals more than 2.000.000 entries in all disciplines: literature, social and human sciences, natural and exact sciences, art, history and so forth.
- Intralinea About translation studies. The majority of the articles here are in Italian.
- Sci.lang newsgroup The group provides a forum for those interested in the problems, issues and concerns of translators/interpreters.
- The Tool Box Journal A monthly journal for people in the world of translation who want to get more out of their computers
- Training for Translators Online learning for translators and interpreters
- Transcreation Relating to translation between Italian and English
- Translation Journal A Publication for Translators by Translators about Translators and Translation
- Translation News Mailing List This group is dedicated to the compilation and dissemination of news regarding the Translation industry, regardless of language.
- The Translator's Home Companion The Translator's Home Companion is intended to serve as a focal point of information about resources available on the Internet and elsewhere for translators, interpreters, and all those interested in the arts and crafts of foreign languages.
Google Scholar
You can use Google Scholar to search for academic resources including journal articles, peer-reviewed papers, books and theses.