New resources - CAHSS - 2021/2022

New library resources for CAHSS

This guide highlights new larger digital items and subscriptions acquired in 2021/22 which were requested by, or are relevant to, Schools in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science (CAHSS). You can explore the resources purchased for CAHSS Schools using the left-hand navigation. 

How to keep up to date with new library resources

How Academic Support Librarians support purchasing for new library resources for CAHSS

Academic Support Librarians work in consultation with the Academic Library Representatives from each School or College to support Schools and Colleges in obtaining the library materials they need.

Consult your Academic Support Librarian about:

  • New journal subscriptions
  • New databases or digital collections
  • Concerns about obtaining library materials

We work in partnership with the CAHSS College Library & Information Strategy Committee to ensure that library budgets are effectively and appropriately used. 

Requesting library materials for teaching

Providing students with access to resources to support teaching and learning is one of the Library’s core objectives. Throughout 2022/23 access to Library resources for teaching will be provided through:

  • Online Resource Lists for all appropriate courses
  • Prioritisation of online access to Library resources for Essential and Recommended course readings
  • The acquisition of online content where required, including eTextbooks where available, to provide access to key texts on a course

Resource Lists should be used to request the acquisition of new resources to support teaching.

Requesting library materials for research

Academic staff in CAHSS should use the Resource purchase request form for CAHSS to request the purchase of books and resources to be added to Library collections to support their own research.



Finding Library Resources - DiscoverEd


Use DiscoverEd to find books, ebooks, journals, ejournals and more. If you have made a purchase request, the order status of the item can be checked using DiscoverEd.

DiscoverEd Help FAQs

Student recommendations

Students can use the RaB (Request a Book) service to tell the Library when we do not have a book they require in our collection. We will try to buy it for the Library. Where possible, we will source an e-book version. 

Request a book, or other resource

E-resources trials

The Library can arrange trials to new digital resources. Publishers may provide trial access to allow us to use and evaluate a resource before making a decision about purchase. Contact your Academic Support Librarian to discuss a trial for a new resource.

Library Subject Guides

New resources at the Centre for Research Collections

Centre for Research Collections Annual Acquisitions Highlights

The Centre for Research Collections regularly acquires new items through purchase, commission, gift and bequest. This report highlights early and rare books, manuscripts and archive items acquired in 2021/22.

UoE Art Collection - Acquisitions and commissions 2020/2021

This  digital booklet details some of the commissioning and acquisition activity that the Art Collection has been able to undertake over the University’s 2020/2021 financial year. It isn’t comprehensive, but compiled so as to provide you with an idea of the types of activity and artworks we are pursuing as we develop the collection.

The works referenced join the rest of our holdings, which are made available internally for use in teaching, research and display, and we also lend externally wherever possible. For those less familiar with the UoE Art Collection, more information can be found here.