New resources - CAHSS - 2021/2022
New Library resources for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
This page highlights new larger digital items and subscriptions acquired in 2021/2022 which support the development of equity, diversity and inclusion in teaching and research.
The Academic Support Librarian leads for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion are SarahLouise McDonald and Christine Love-Rodgers.
We work in partnership with the CAHSS College Library & Information Strategy Committee.
New Digital Resources
- American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the InsideOn March 24, 1800, Forlorn Hope became the first newspaper published within a prison by an incarcerated person. In the intervening 200 years, over 500 prison newspapers have been published from U.S. prisons. American Prison Newspapers brings together hundreds of these periodicals from across the country into one collection that represents penal institutions of all kinds, with special attention paid to women-only institutions.
- Colonial Law in Africa, 1946-1966This database provides access to the African Government Gazettes from 1946-1966. These gazettes contain copies of the laws and ordinances which were introduced in the years they cover. Each item was originally published as the Government Gazette for a colony and year. Their contents include tenders of property, probate records and insolvency notices. The papers in this database cover the Mau Mau uprising, the creation of the first legislative councils and legal changes to transfer power to those councils.
- South Asian Newspapers : historical newspapers from South AsiaThis one-of-a-kind collection provides online access to a select group of South Asian newspapers from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Featuring English-, Gujarati- and Bengali-language papers published in India, in the regions of the Subcontinent that now comprise Pakistan, and in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). South Asian Newspapers offers extensive coverage of the people, issues and events that shaped the Indian Subcontinent between 1864 and 1922
Example Resource lists - Diverse Collections
- Understanding Race and Racism – Learning ResourcesThis list contains a selection of resource materials to support staff to have confident and constructive conversations about race and racism, and to understand the role that institutions and individuals play in sustaining racial inequality.
- Words Without Borders – Refugee Books Reading List 2021In support of Refugee Week the University Library have compiled a resource list of materials about the experiences of refugees, political and organisational responses to refugee crises and causes of forced migration as well as discovering literature highlighting issues around refugees.
Finding Library Resources - DiscoverEd
Use DiscoverEd to find books, ebooks, journals, ejournals and more. If you have made a purchase request, the order status of the item can be checked using DiscoverEd.
Centre for Research Collections New Acquisitions Highlight
Alberta Whittle, ‘business as usual: a hostile environment’, colour video with sound, 2020
business as usual: hostile environment is the work of Alberta Whittle (b.1980 Barbados), Edinburgh College of Art BA graduate. A moving image work, it looks at the colonial history of the Forth and Clyde canal and waterways' role in forced and unforced migration. Reflecting on waterways as sites of renewal and regeneration – the work focuses attention on how the architecture of the city continues to shape and impact communities, and understandings of austerity, poverty, race and class. Whittle is a current PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh and her research is concerned with individuals’ roles in perpetuating the systems of oppression existing in society by turning a blind eye to their existence. Her work usually takes the form of interactive installations which use film, sculpture and performance to consider contested histories, climate colonialism, trauma and healing.
ProQuest 350 Research Resources
Our current ProQuest subscription includes several resources relevant to Gender Studies which have now been renewed until July 2023. These include:
- British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries
- LGBT Magazine Archive
- Men’s Magazine Archive
- The GQ Archive
- Women and Social Movements
Are you using any of these resources for your research and teaching? If you are, please get in touch with your Academic Support Librarian so we can be aware of this when considering subscription renewal.
Library subject guides for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
You can explore the Library Subject Guides to find out about the full range of library resources supporting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.