This guide to Library and information resources for philosophy has been compiled by the Academic Support Librarian for the School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences.
Library News and Events
Information about Library news, training, events and service updates.
Psychology & Philosophy Library
Psychology & Philosophy Library
A dedicated library for the School of PPLS at 7 George Square.
- The Library is open from 9am to 5pm on weekdays only during semester.
- The Library is open to all when the library is staffed but open only to PPLS staff, postgraduates and years 3 and 4 undergraduates when it is not staffed via swipe access. Ask the PPLS Librarian on your first visit for further information.
- All University readers may borrow books.
- For readers who cannot attend the library in person the University Library offers a Scan and Deliver Service.
- Psychology & Philosophy Library - Online Orientation Guide (Sway).
Further details are available on the PPLS Librarian's web page OR students can email Karen Fleet (PPLS Librarian) direct at:
Looking for images?
- Image databasesCheck out our collections of still and moving images.
Finding Library Resources - DiscoverEd
Use DiscoverEd to find books, ebooks, journals, ejournals and more. Sign into your Library account using your University Login to manage your loans and requests.
Databases for Philosophy
- MIT CognetIncludes the full text of major reference works and over 250 cognitive science books, full text of journals in the field of cognitive and brain sciences, and a growing collection of other relevant books, journals and reference works.
- Philosopher's IndexBibliographical information and abstracts of articles in philosophy and related disciplines published in over 300 journals world wide, from 1940 to date.
- Routledge Encyclopedia of PhilosophyFully searchable online edition of the classic 10-volume Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy with new content added regularly.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyOrganizes scholars from around the world in philosophy and related disciplines to create and maintain an up-to-date reference work.
Searchable full-text resources from Oxford University Press
- Oxford BibliographiesAuthoritative research guides , featuring the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects, including philosophy.
- Oxford Handbooks Online: Scholarly Research ReviewsAn outstanding collection of the best Handbooks in fifteen subject areas, including philosophy.
- Oxford Scholarshp OnlineA vast and rapidly-expanding online library, providing easy access to thousands of books across the world-renowned scholarly list of the OUP, including around 1900 titles for philosophy.
Additional resources
- Hume Texts OnlineA free and open access collection of almost everything written by the great Enlightenment thinker, David Hume, alongside bibliographies and links to Hume scholarship on the web.
- Ethics UpdatesInformed discussion of moral issues.
- Internet Encylopedia of PhilosophyOpen access to detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.
- Philosophy BitesPodcasts of top philosophers interviewed on bite-sized topics.
Philosophy Events
- What's on and whereCalendar of workshops, seminars, conferences and other events taking place in Philosophy.
Academic Support Librarian

Introduction to literature searching for your dissertation
The link below takes you to of a recording of a live session for students in the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS) which looks at developing a search strategy, resources available from the Library to help you search the literature and how to manage your search results. Delivered as part of the Library's Dissertation Festival (March, 2021).
Referencing and Reference Management
Our guide to referencing and reference management includes information on a range of resources resources to help you get your references right and avoid plagiarism.
Resource Lists
- Resource Listsfor philosophy courses.