Widening Participation

Welcome to the Widening Participation Subject Guide - giving you information on library resources and services.

Getting Started with Widening Participation

Jisc have produced a useful guide on Widening Participation and digital inclusion within Higher Education. It contains information on the steps that can be taken to improve accessibility and outreach, and the importance of personalising the education experience for students.

The Education and Teacher Training Subject Guide contains links to a number of databases which might be helpful for studies on widening access. You can also find contact details for the Academic Support Librarian who will be guide you on location additional resources, as well as details on library services.

Widening Access Statistics

According to the Higher Education Student Statistics: UK 2020/21 report of UK domiciled* full-time HE undergraduate students:

  • 91% of students were from a state-funded school or college
  • 43% of students were a first-generation undergraduate
  • 26% of students were BlackAsian, or Minority Ethnic
  • 15% of students had a known disability

*UK domiciled means that the UK was a student’s normal place of residence before starting their course

Moray House Library

Moray House Library

Moray House Library, within the Holyrood Campus of the University of Edinburgh School of Education and Sport, holds the majority of books for Widening Participation Studies. Most of the books in Moray House Library are on the 1st floor.

Online Learning

The Library provides access to many e-resources, but we also provide lots of other services and support for students on online learning programmes.

Laptop keyboard in pink and green light.

Library services for online learning students

- How to set up the Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

Requesting scans of journal articles and book chapters

- How to get started with using the library

Access & Widening Participation Resources