Education and Teacher Training

This guide to Library and information resources for Education & Teacher Training has been compiled by the Academic Support Librarian for Moray House School of Education & Sport.

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Key databases for Education and Teacher Training

Moray House Library

Moray House Library holds an extensive collection of books and journals mainly on the subject of Education, with specialities including Language Education and Teaching English as a Second Language.

Internal view of Moray House Library (from above)

Using Google Scholar to find scholarly literature

Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Like DiscoverEd, Google Scholar can be a good place to start your search but it does not allow for advanced or complex searching as in the databases.

Google Scholar may not provide access to full-text, however, by linking to the Library you can access full-text where there is a University subscription.

  1. Select Settings from the top of the Google Scholar Home Page
  2. Select Library Links
  3. Search for University of Edinburgh. Select it from the list and Save your settings

You will now see FindIt@Edinburgh links next to items in your Google Scholar results that you can use to access the full-text.

This short video below demonstrates how to do this.

Your Academic Support Librarian

Profile Photo
Ishbel Leggat
Argyle House,
3 Lady Lawson St, Edinburgh
+44 (0)131 651 5214

Resource lists and Subject guides

Resources lists at Edinburgh Logo

Resource Lists are online reading lists that can signpost you to key reading materials. Some of your courses may have a Resource List embedded in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) but you can also access them directly. Full details are available on the Resource Lists: Information for Students webpage.

Other subject guides can be a useful source of ideas and information. 

Some focus on a topic such as newspapers as well as others that are more subject specific e.g. Business, Medicine economics etc.

A full list of subject guides is available on the university website.