Mathematics and Statistics

Subject guide to library related topics

Welcome to The University of Edinburgh's Libraries and their collections and services

Virtual tours of the libraries are available all year round. welcome image

Information about each of the University of Edinburgh's Libraries

Library staff at the Helpdesks and EdHelpdesks in the University's libraries will be happy to try to help and are also on the Library Chat widget.

Library Chat is found on DiscoverEd and some of the Library's webpages.

Library homepage

New Starts Essential Top 6 tasks 2022-23University of Edinburgh resources for students starting Academic Year 2024-25

New Students webpages including Your essential top 6 tasks

Download University of Edinburgh Events app for all the events designed specifically for new students

The official Facebook group for all students starting at University of Edinburgh 2024/25


How to use the Library & How to reference and avoid plagiarism (all online via Collaborate but live!)

18th September 2024, 13:10-14:00
24th September 2024, 09:10-10:00
9th October 2024, 15:10-16:00

What The Library at the University of Edinburgh can offer, how to find what you want and how to get assistance

Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library external view

Information for everyone

Introduction to Library Resources and Services [powerpoint presentation without narration, 30thAug24]
Presentation content & links to further information:
• Where the libraries are and their opening hours.
Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library
MyEd > Studies > Library column
• Finding out if the Library has what you need
MyEd > Studies > Library column > "Search and access library resources"
Finding a book on DiscoverEd
What the information on a DiscoverEd record tells you
Borrowing books, your library card, your library My Account space for what you have on loan etc
Requesting books on loan to someone else and sections of print-only books
Article scans from print-only journals "Digitize Other Issue"
• Getting what the Library does not have
Off-campus access to online resources
Visiting other Higher Education Institutions:
• Finding academic literature on your subject
DiscoverEd for articles
• Training, guidance and help
Training for anyone: Library Bitesize, literature searching clinic, referencing clinic

Information for PhD students

Extra information for services useful to PhD students [powerpoint presentation without narration, 30thAug24]
Presentation content & links to further information:
• Previous theses
• Thinking about your publication record
• Money for publishing Open Access
• Thinking about your data

Research Data Services

MANTRA: a free online course for those who manage digital data as part of their research project


LibSmart: Your library research starts here

LibSmart on Learn is designed to help you get started using library resources at the University. It has five modules that will take you step by step from starting to use the library to researching a topic for a report or essay. You can choose to work through every module or just the one or two most relevant to you.

You can revisit the course at any point during your studies, and use it as a hub of resources to support your personal and academic development. The content covers:

  1. Get started with accessing and using online library resources for your studies.
  2. Explore and use key library resources appropriate to your discipline.
  3. Find material for an essay or report on a topic.
  4. Manage the information you’ve found and avoid information overload.
  5. Use Library tools to develop good academic practice with citation and referencing.

LibSmart includes reflective activities to get you thinking about your own skills, experiences and what you hope to achieve.


How to enrol on LibSmart

Most students new to the University will already be enrolled on LibSmart. To locate the course in Learn Ultra:

  1. Visit
  2. Log in using your UUN (normal university username and password)
  3. On the left hand navigation, select 'Essentials'
  4. Locate LibSmart I: Your Library Research Starts Here (2023/24) from the list. 

Those not automatically enrolled on LibSmart may need to search Learn's courses catalogue.

Guest and Self-Enrol [Learn] Course Access

If you have any issues regarding access to LibSmart, please contact IS Helpline:

IS Helpline

Making the most of IT

This video introduces new students to the main IT (information technology) and learning technology services at the university. Find out how to:

  • Activate your email account and register for wireless
  • Use the MyEd portal to access web-based university systems and services
  • Access the Learn virtual learning environment
  • Access Office 365 for mobile email, document creation and cloud storage
  • Save files to the university network and the cloud
  • Use printing and copying facilities
  • Access Library resources
  • Improve your digital skills
  • Get further information and help

The Making the Most of IT webpage provides more information and links to webpages of the services highlighted in the presentation. The powerpoint slides are also made available from this page:

Making the most of IT webpage

The Library section is on the above webpage but also below.

Academic Support Librarian (my personal pronouns: she/her)

How-To Get ready for University

Recordings of live online ‘How to…’ sessions run during Welcome Week, September 2023
The "New Students" webpages include a suite of recordings from professional and support services staff from across the University giving practical information and sharing top tips on ‘how-to-do’ something:
Get prepared for University with our 'How to' sessions.
Library related recordings include...

How to access online library resources
Feel confident accessing online library resources via MyEd, Resource lists, the library website & DiscoverEd, The Library’s online discovery tool. You will also be able to troubleshoot some common access issues.

How To Find Academic Literature
Introducing good practice when looking for relevant material on a topic:
• Take the first steps to plan and construct your search strategy.
• Be able to identify, select and use key library resources appropriate to your discipline.
• Be able to locate sources of full text information, both online and print.

How to get access to resources you need that the library does not hold
The services available for getting reading and other materials The Library does not hold.
• Being sure you cannot read what you want from The Library.
• Getting copies of print-only material held by The Library.
• Requesting material on loan to someone else.
• Using the inter-library loan service.
• Requesting books be purchased by The Library.
• Visiting other libraries.

Guidance for new academic staff and postgraduate researchers: IS teaching and research services

Library Updates newsletter

A monthly online newsletter, sharing the latest news on library services, resources and projects.

Library Updates newsletters

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