German Studies
How to find printed journals, e-journals and full-text journal articles for German Studies
Academic journal articles are important sources of information for subject research. DiscoverEd provides search for titles of all the journals, in print and electronic, that the Library subscribes to. It also provides direct access to the full text of thousands of e-journal articles. Methods of obtaining journal literature via DiscoverEd are illustrated below:
DiscoverEd search for German Studies journals
To get a comprehensive list of printed & electronic journals on German Studies
Go to advanced search in DiscoverEd, perform subject headings search for German with journals as material type (see screen capture). Click the link below to see the result list of a demo search in the Library system for the subject area:
List of journals for German Studies (a demo bibliography)
If a printed journal you need is held at the University Collections Facility, you can use the Interlibrary Loans service to get the scanning of your required article which will be delivered to you by email. This service is free for Edinburgh University members.
Information on how to request items from the University Collections Facility (UCF)
To get a list of German Studies ejournals
Go to ejournals A-Z and search by title key word German
Full-text journal articles
DiscoverEd indexes not only journal titles but also journal articles with links to the full text content if the sources are ejournals within our subscription.
Journal literature beyond Edinburgh
If a particular journal you need is not held in our Library system either in print or electronic, it is worth checking theLibrary Hub Discover catalogue to see if it is held elsewhere in the country.
You can then use the Interlibrary Loans service to request journal articles from other UK libraries or even beyond.
Zeit Online (current issues as well as complete archive from 1946)