New resources - CAHSS - 2022-2023
Highlights new subscriptions and larger and significant items relevant to CAHSS Schools that were purchased in the last academic year.
New Library resources for LLC
This page highlights new larger digital items and subscriptions acquired in 2022/23 which were requested by, or are relevant to, the School of Literature, Languages and Cultures (LLC).
The Academic Support Librarian for LLC is Robert O'Brien.
The Academic Library Representative for LLC in 2022/2023 is Dr Christopher Rosenmeier.
We work in partnership with the CAHSS College Library & Information Strategy Committee.
New databases
- Chinese Periodicals Full-text Database (1911-1949), Series 11We have added Series 11 to our already purchased collection of Series 1-10 of the Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949).
Purchasing Series 11 also means we now also have access to the full collection, including Series 12, which contains around 10 million pieces of writing in over 20,000 different kinds of periodicals published from 1911 to 1949. - Oxford Bibliographies: Renaissance and ReformationThe period of the Renaissance and Reformation, which spans roughly from the 14th through 17th centuries, is rich in history and culture. The field of Renaissance and Reformation studies, which has a critical importance for the understanding of Western culture, can best be approached through a combination of several disciplines including history, the arts, and literature. esides the extensive scholarship which already exists, much of the most recent work has moved online so that today’s students and researchers have ready access to primary source texts and a range of other electronic resources. Oxford Bibliographies Renaissance and Reformation is designed to provide authoritative guidance to all of this.
- Archives of Sexuality and Gender: International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and CultureArchives of Sexuality and Gender: International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture examines diversity in underrepresented areas of the world such as southern Africa and Australia, highlighting cultural and social histories, struggles for rights and freedoms, explorations of sexuality, and organizations and key figures in LGBTQ history.
It insures LGBTQ stories and experiences are preserved. Among many diverse and historical 20th century collections, materials include: the Papers of Simon Nkoli, a prominent South African anti-apartheid, gay and lesbian rights, and HIV/AIDS activist; Exit newspaper (formerly Link/Skakel), South Africa's longest running monthly LGBTQ publication; Geographic Files, also known as "Lesbians in…" with coverage from Albania to Zimbabwe; and the largest available collection of digitized Australian LGBTQ periodicals. Note the Library already has access to Parts I-III of the Archives of Sexuality and Gender. - Britannia and Eve, 1926-1957Formed in 1929 and owned by the Illustrated London News, this magazine marketed itself to a predominantly female readership, and especially to wealthy and conservative women. It maintained an emphasis on fashion, beauty and the home, and featured contributions from some of the most influential female artists and writers of the time. It became well known for the artistry of its illustrations and for its wide-ranging coverage. Given its popularity, eclecticism and influence, it provides critical insights into the history of fashion, gender history and British print culture.
- The Subculture ArchivesFrom the world's leading collection of youth culture history the Museum of Youth Culture, The Subcultures Archive is an educational and cultural research resource of primary sources exploring 100 years of UK youth culture through the scenes, styles, and sounds that forged them. From Rave, Punk, Rockabilly to Grime
- The Tatler, 1901-1965From 1901 to 1968 The Tatler was one of various publications owned by the Illustrated London News. It catered to an affluent and traditionalist audience, keeping them informed about the latest developments in British High Society. Focusing mainly on fashion, theatre and sports, The Tatler regaled readers with news and gossip about Britain's most prominent socialites, including aristocrats, athletes and actors. This collection yields valuable source material for researchers of British society in the early to mid-twentieth century, and of Britain's wealthy and powerful elite.
Gale Accelerate
Due to the Library purchasing several Gale digital archives in 2022/23 to add to our collections, Gale has again offered us free long-term trial access to several more of their digital archives (+2 supplements to digital archives we already own) through their Gale Accelerate programme.
The Library has access to the following archives relevant to LLC until the 28 July 2024.
- Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive: 2015-2019 SupplementThe Library already has access to the Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive, 1902-2014. This supplement extends the archive to 2019.
- Slavery and Anti-Slavery Part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic WorldSlavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive is devoted to the study and understanding of the history of slavery in America and the rest of the world from the 17th century to the late 19th century. Part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World charts the inception of slavery in Africa and its rise as perpetuated on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, placing particular emphasis on the Caribbean, Latin America, and United States. More international in scope than Part I, this collection was developed by an international editorial board with scholars specializing in North American, European, African, and Latin American/Caribbean aspects of the slave trade.
- Slavery and Anti-Slavery Part III: The Institution of SlaverySlavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive is devoted to the study and understanding of the history of slavery in America and the rest of the world from the 17th century to the late 19th century. Part III: The Institution of Slavery expands the depth of coverage of the topic. Part III explores, in vivid detail, the inner workings of slavery from 1492 to 1888. Through legal documents, plantation records, first-person accounts, newspapers, government records, and other primary sources, this collection reveals how enslaved people struggled against the institution. These rare works explore slavery as a legal and labor system, the relationship between slavery and religion, freed slaves, the Shong Massacre, the Demerara insurrection, and many other aspects and events.
The long-term trial access is an opportunity for our students and staff to try resources out and give feedback on their quality and usefulness. However, when we trial resources this is not an indication that we plan to or will be able to purchase or subscribe to any of the resources in the long term.
Selection of new books
Knowledge and Power in Muslim Societies: Approaches in Intellectual History by
ISBN: 9783959941648Publication Date: 2023Kulinarische Lektüren: Vom Essen und Trinken in der Literatur by
ISBN: 9783839423745Publication Date: 2014Minority Languages, National Languages, and Official Language Policies by
ISBN: 9780773554931Publication Date: 2018Modernists and the theatre: the drama of W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf by
ISBN: 9781350145511Publication Date: 2022Red Memory: Living, Remembering and Forgetting China's Cultural Revolution by
ISBN: 1783352647Publication Date: 2023The Routledge Companion to Contemporary European Theatre and Performance by
ISBN: 9781003082538Publication Date: 2023The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Literary Translation by
ISBN: 9781003139645Publication Date: 2023Sarah Kane's Theatre of Psychic Life: Theatre, Thought and Mental Suffering by
ISBN: 9781350283121Publication Date: 2023
ProQuest Access 350
In 2022/23 the Library extended it's subscription to ProQuest Access 350 until 31 July 2024.
These databases allow you to explore 600 years worth of world history and, along with the wide and varied range of digital primary source databases the Library already gives you access to, can help enrich your learning, teaching and research.
Find out more about ProQuest Access 350
Library subject guides for Literatures, Languages and Cultures
You can explore the Library Subject Guides to find out about the full range of library resources available for Literatures, Languages and Cultures