New resources - CAHSS - 2022-2023

Highlights new subscriptions and larger and significant items relevant to CAHSS Schools that were purchased in the last academic year.

New Library resources for LLC

This page highlights new larger digital items and subscriptions acquired in 2022/23 which were requested by, or are relevant to, the School of Literature, Languages and Cultures (LLC).

The Academic Support Librarian for LLC is Robert O'Brien

The Academic Library Representative for LLC in 2022/2023 is Dr Christopher Rosenmeier.

We work in partnership with the CAHSS College Library & Information Strategy Committee.

New databases

Gale Accelerate

Due to the Library purchasing several Gale digital archives in 2022/23 to add to our collections, Gale has again offered us free long-term trial access to several more of their digital archives (+2 supplements to digital archives we already own) through their Gale Accelerate programme.

The Library has access to the following archives relevant to LLC until the 28 July 2024.

The long-term trial access is an opportunity for our students and staff to try resources out and give feedback on their quality and usefulness. However, when we trial resources this is not an indication that we plan to or will be able to purchase or subscribe to any of the resources in the long term.

Selection of new books

ProQuest Access 350

In 2022/23 the Library extended it's subscription to ProQuest Access 350 until 31 July 2024.

These databases allow you to explore 600 years worth of world history and, along with the wide and varied range of digital primary source databases the Library already gives you access to, can help enrich your learning, teaching and research.

Find out more about ProQuest Access 350

Library subject guides for Literatures, Languages and Cultures