Digital Scholarship

An introductory guide to tools, resources and support for Digital Scholarship at the University of Edinburgh and beyond.

Digital Scholarship resources available externally to the University


We've collated on this page just a small number of the libraries, organisations and institutions that offer resources, services and support related to Digital Scholarship. This includes downloadable datasets, training, workshops and events.

Data Foundry at National Library of Scotland


The Data Foundry is home to the National Library of Scotland's data collections. Here, you can find the Library's collections in machine-readable form: digitised collections (text and images); metadata collections; map data; and organisational data. They update and add to their data collections on a regular basis.

Digital Scholarship at the British Library


Undertake innovative research with the British Library's digital collections and data with the help of their Digital Research experts.

Other organisations

These are just some examples of organisations and institutions that develop and run various training courses, workshops and events related to the field of Digital Scholarship.