Education and Teacher Training

Library News and Events

Information about Library news, training, events and service updates.

Resource Lists

Find your course reading lists via Resource Lists. Type in your course code or keywords from the course title, or your lecturer's name.

Please note that not all courses at the University use Resource Lists. 

Introduction to literature searching for your dissertation

The link below takes you to of a recording of a live session for students in the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS) which looks at developing a search strategy, resources available from the Library to help you search the literature and how to manage your search results. Delivered as part of the Library's Dissertation Festival (March, 2021).

Exam Papers

Exam Papers Online provides access to the collected degree examination papers of the University from 2004 onwards. They may be used by students as a study aid only.

Key databases for Education and Teacher Training

Referencing and Reference Management

Our Library Subject Guide to referencing and reference management includes information on a range of resources and guidance to help you get your references and citations right and avoid plagiarism.

Referencing and reference management (Subject Guide)



Academic Support Librarian

Profile Photo
Ishbel Leggat
Argyle House,
3 Lady Lawson St, Edinburgh
+44 (0)131 651 5214