Physics and Astronomy
Subject guide to library related topics
Guides and Presentations
Science and Engineering guides and training
Please feel free to contact me if you have problems or questions about library resources and services.
I am also happy to see people individually or in small groups to help staff and students of the University of Edinburgh get the best from the literature databases available to you, finding the reading material you need, using referencing software tools or any other aspect of the Library.
Core skills and more
See Events Booking for what is coming up
This is the same as MyEd's Events channel and will include classes from the teams below, whose websites include documentation, guides and other help options which you can use in your own time.
The Digital Skills and Training team provide classroom and online sessions and documentation on topics useful in developing digital and information literacy, desktop and IT productivity skills in staff and students to help you to work, research and study more effectively and to support continuing professional development.
Institute for Academic Development
The Institute for Academic Development provides University level support for teaching, learning and researcher development through direct support for students and staff via workshops, online resources, networks and advice.
LinkedIn Learning (formerly is an online skills development service offering an extensive library of high quality video courses in digital, technology, creative and business skills.
Academic Support Librarian (my personal pronouns: she/her)
Information Services (IS) Help
EdHelp for help and advice on frequently used student services and to submit questions or problems:
IS Helpline for advice to staff on IT, e-Learning and Library resources and services:
Check current service status and alerts
For staff and PGRs of some Schools, the first point of contact for IT issues is your local helpdesk: The Schools of Business, Chemistry, GeoSciences, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics & Astronomy.
New to the University?
Summaries of useful pages for new staff and students.
This library guide's information for people new to the University
University information for new students
Guidance for new academic staff and postgraduate researchers: IS teaching and research services